Friday, December 27, 2019

Sociological Perspective Jeffrey Dahmer - 1252 Words

Murder, willingly taking another humans life, is considered a heinous crime in the United States, and from the sociological perspective, breaks an important more. Serial Murder, therefore, is a sociologically deviant phenomenon where a person kills two or more people in distinct events, and an FBI overview of serial killers states â€Å"No single cause, trait, or even a group of traits can differentiate or identify serial killers †¦ from other types of violent offenders† (FBI). We can, however, use sociological perspectives to identify potential factors in these cases. As a boy, Jeffrey Dahmer was described as being a loner and a poor student- and had been sexually abused by a neighbor. He is homosexual, and all of his victims were males- which†¦show more content†¦This isn’t to say that Dahmer wasn’t responsible for his crimes- a jury of his peers determined he wasn’t legally insane at the time of the murders, but society made Dahmer. Next, this paper will use the strain theory to analyze Dahmer and his crimes. Strain Theory Strain Theory, a functionalist theory, argues that deviance, even criminal deviance, is a result of society and its cultural goals. Those who feel strain in regard to cultural ideals, whether they lack the opportunity or reject them altogether, fall into deviance. This paper will focus on retreatism, as this is the path Dahmer took: rejecting cultural goals and the means to achieve them, retreating from society, often into alcohol or drugs. It’s a valid assumption to believe that this retreat from society led him along the path to murder. As a child Dahmer faced numerous obstacles to success: he was a poor student who struggled socially and turned to alcohol as early as high school. All of these factors culminated in a young man who had given up on many cultural goals of the time- he wasn’t attracted to women, so having a family of his own was out; he had no real ambition to contribute to the work force, was unable to get â€Å"desirable† jobs due to his lack of education and dishonorable discharge, and his family supported him financially most of the time. For a time, he was in the military, but discharge due to hisShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes An Individual A Murderer?1112 Words   |  5 Pagestake not only one life, but multiple. Many sociologists and criminologists devoted their professional lives to find answers to this question: what makes an individual a murderer? Here this paper would discuss about Jeffery Dahmer’s case. Jaeffery Dahmer was a serial killer who also ate the victim’s bo dy, he was arrested and he was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms, later on he was attacked and killed in a Wisconsin prison. as results of the hard work we came to an idea that all criminals fitRead MoreSerial Killers, Are They Born or Made?3551 Words   |  15 Pagesshow signs of abnormal behavior, such as arson, and cruelty to animals. Looking into the lives of Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy, who were both some of the world’s most notorious serial killers, will give a better insight to how they came to be serial killers; was it always in their blood, or was it something that occurred within their childhood that provoked their behavior? Jeffrey Dahmer Jeffery Dahmer dreamed that he would one day have a zombie sex slave, who would obey his every wish, and commandRead MoreSpeech On Animal Abuse1550 Words   |  7 PagesOutline How Animal Cruelty Affects Children. 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Still the axiology of serial murders are still considered ambiguous to whether the source is sociological, biological and psychological philosophies in which psychologist and criminal profilers keep researching. Knight states, â€Å"That serial murders have been chronicled throughout history since the 1400’s.† Then by the 1960’s there was an increasedRead MoreVideo Games and Violence: Both Sides of the Argument3566 Words   |  15 Pagescan chew. If you are going to argue to certainty, you need more than wild accusations and exaggeration to prove your point. The writer should have found data to back his argument up, and cited it. A few graphs of violence trends or references to sociological studies proving his/her point would have gone a long way. As it stands, this argument has too much conviction, and too little credibility. Article 2: Report In the article, Violent Video Games, Rachel Ray (2003) begins by referring to the youth

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Blade One Essay example - 928 Words

For this essay, I have chosen a Warner Bros production film called `Blade. In this essay I will discuss the Mise-En-Scene, Sound, Editing, Special effects, camera angle, shot, movement and position. The Film, as I have stated before is from Warner Bros productions. Basically the Film is about a man who is a vampire hunter. He detests vampires because before he was born his mother was bitten by a vampire. She was rushed to the hospital her water broke and she gave birth to Blade. Unfortunately while she was giving birth she died shortly after. After that day Blade had decided to make it his mission in life to extinguish vampires from the face of the earth. While he was on his mission he discovered a man (whistler) who wanted†¦show more content†¦He does not allow her entry but she shouts to him and says, quot;Protestusquot;. Which appears to be some native tongue meaning that she has a partner with her to enter the club? He pushes the black door and it slowly opens. In this scene a lot of care has been taken to shoot it. When the door is pushed open the camera angle is changed it goes from the couple on to the door zooming in to have a peek first. Then it is like time slows time once the camera has come near the door and you can hear music in the background which slowly starts getting louder and louder. The scene changes again showing people dancing and having a good time. The Mise-En-Scene in this part of the film is pretty much the same. All the actors and actresses have got the same sort of dress code which is jeans, shirts and pants. The lighting in this scene is incredible and very fast. There are lights flickering and music is on loud. This creates hype in the shot. The scenes keep on changing in this scene sometimes showing people dancing men and women. Then sometimes through editing people are shown in slow motion and then brought back to normal. The camera really focuses on there body movement and positioning of the people. The prostitute goes and starts dancing with another girl so the client tries to approach them and have a bit of fun as well but he is pushed aside. When he is walking past people that are dancing he gets strange looksShow MoreRelatedHealth And Safety Report Detailing John Schmidt s Injury1051 Words   |  5 PagesOur production shop has been fortunate in being able to report no table saw injuries prior to Mr. Schmidt’s accident. However, the importance of this one issue alone is exceedingly weighty. This one accident could cost us our hardworking employees good health as well as millions of dollars in both correcting this deficiency and medical expenses. One of our production shop employees, John Schmidt, was seriously injured while using a table saw on June 7th, 2015. Mr. Schmidt claims that he followedRead MoreHow to Sharpen Hockey Skates Essay773 Words   |  4 Pages The most important part of a hockey player’s gear is their skates. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Communication Skills for Singapore Computer Society -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCommunication Skills for Singapore Computer Society. Answer: The codes of ethics chosen are the Irish Computer Society (ICS) Code of Ethics and the Singapore Computer Society (SCS) Code of Ethics which are to be compared to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Ethics. They form part of the computer society constitution and apply to all the computer society members not considering their role or specific expertise areas in the ICT industry (ACS Code of Ethics, 2018). It is a must for the members to endorse and advance the dignity, effectiveness, and honor of being a professional (Ethics and the ICS Code of Conduct, 2018). Besides, it does not only look at the professional side alone but also the side of the law whereby it expects the members guided by the code of ethics to be the perfect example of a good citizen who adheres to societal values and acts within the law. The code encourages the adherence to societal values that include the public interest primacy, honesty, the enhancement of the quality of life, competence, professionalism , and professional development. It encourages its members to value the public interests more than their personal and business ones. They are expected to add to the quality of life of the people affected by their work and encouraged to be honest at all times especially when representing their skills, services, products, and knowledge. Whats more, the represented IT professionals are expected to work diligently and competently for their stakeholders and enhance not only their professional development but also that of their colleagues and staff. And finally, these codes of ethics require that the IT professionals display professionalism by adding to the integrity of the society as well as to the respect of the members for each other. ACS Code of Ethics (Australian) SCS Code of Ethics (Singapore) The Primacy of the public interest ** The enhancement of quality of life ** Honesty Integrity Competence Competence Professional Development Full responsibility Professionalism The Society ACS Code of Ethics (Australian) ICS Code of Ethics (Irish) The Primacy of the public interest Protection of Public Interest and Legal Compliance The enhancement of quality of life Responsibility to Employers and Clients Honesty Member Email Conduct Competence Competence, Ethics and Impartiality Professional Development Professionalism Professional Dignity and Promotion of Professional Aims The ACS Code and SCS Code have a significant difference with each other. The ACS code is more detailed than the SCS Code. The ACS Code values the public interest much more than those of the private and sectional whereby the public is given the utmost priority when it comes to resolving any conflicts (ACS Code of Ethics, 2018). ACS encourages the recognition and minimizing of the adverse effects of ICT by promoting equal access of its benefits to all members of the society. ACS does not allow the breach of public trust or the trust of stakeholders when working. For the organization, honesty and integrity are of utmost importance and have to underlie all the professional actions and decisions. SCS also encourages its employees to act with integrity at all times (Singapore Computer Society, 2018). ACS encourages its employees to have their knowledge up to date especially with standards, practices, and technologies. SCS members, on the other hand, are expected to act with professionalism in an attempt to improve the prestige of the profession. ACS ensures equal treatment for everyone including their employees regardless of their status in life. The codes emphasize the commitment to the importance of ethical professional conduct. It values dignity, honor, and effectiveness of professionalism. It consists of various imperatives that are formulated as personal responsibility statements and identifies them as a commitment. It outlines the fundamental ethical considerations, especially to the society. The standards of the ICT industry are constantly changing. Moreover, it is missing more specific considerations of the ICT professional conduct. It only discusses the adherence to societal values and the general moral imperatives but lacks more specific professional responsibilities such as acquiring and maintaining professional competence and accepting and providing an appropriate professional review. The best rudiments of the ACS Code of Ethics are the elements of personal responsibility and the relations with the public. It encourages the performance of duties with diligence, honesty, and professionalism (Bledsoe, 2017). Also by putting the primacy of the public interest as the first element of the code of ethics shows that they value the public and does not intend to do anything that would affect their interests. This shows that the organization values the society and ensures they provide people with the best services in an honest and professional way. Alternatively, the worst elements of the Code are competence whereby the professionals are expected to work diligently for their stakeholders. It is true they are expected to work competently, but it should not be for their stakeholders alone. They should be able to work competently and diligently for themselves as well to satisfy their own desires to delivering the best services. Some phrases and words in a code of ethics can be interpreted in a lot of ways. Any ethical principle can conflict with other standards in specific situations and the questions allied to ethical conflicts can be answered well through thoughtful consideration of the fundamental principles and not on reliance on detailed regulations. Any code developed should identify the elements of the commitment for the members of an organization. It should have statements of personal responsibility that contains many but not necessarily all of the issues the professionals are likely to go through. It should outline fundamental ethical considerations which apply to individual conduct as a professional. These imperatives should be expressed in a form that is general to lay emphasis on ethical principles showing that computer ethics are imitative of more general ethical principles. The general moral imperatives should include elements such as the contribution to the society and the well-being of the people, avoiding harm to others and being honest and trustworthy. The principle regarding the quality of life of humans affirms that an organization has an obligation to care for the fundamental human rights and hold with a high opinion the diversity of cultures. Harm can be used to mean negative consequences or injury. This is an important element in a code of ethics as it prohibits an organization from using its resources in a manner that is harmful to others. Honesty is a vital component of trust and without it in an organization, the company cannot function effectively (Australian Computer Society CODE OF ETHICS, 2018). Other general moral elements include being fair, honoring property rights, giving proper credit whenever necessary, respecting other peoples privacy, and honoring confidentiality. The values of tolerance and equality are important. Discrimination on any basis should never be allowed or tolerated. Violating property rights is contrary to professional behavior and should not be condoned with. A code should have the elements of more specific professional responsibilities. Employees in an organization should strive to attain the highest quality and dignity as well as effectiveness in the process of professional work. Every professional strives for excellence that is why maintaining high-quality products and services is important for all organizations. Excellence, however, depends on persons who take responsibility for obtaining and maintaining professional competence. It is vital to set standards for the suitable levels of competence and to thrive to attain them. Honoring contracts and assigned responsibilities also displays integrity and honesty in more specific professional responsibilities. Another important facet is to know and respect all the existing laws that pertain to professional work. However, in this case, the compliance has to be balanced with the knowledge that some existing rules and laws can at times be inappropriate or immoral and hence have to be challenge d. Besides, violating a regulation can at times be ethical when the law conflicts with another law that is deemed more important or if it has an inadequate moral basis. But if one violates a law for any reason, then he or she has to fully accept the responsibility for the consequences. Some of these elements could be considered optional. It is of the essence for Codes of ethics to have the organizational leadership elements however it is not a must. These elements may include the articulation of social responsibilities of organizational members and encourage the acceptance of the responsibilities. Organizations have an impact on the public and they have to accept responsibilities to the society. That is, organizational leaders should encourage the full participation of their employees in meeting social responsibilities and quality performance. It is the duty of organizational leaders to ensure that their services enhance and not degrade. They should ensure they build work systems that contribute to the improvement of the working life quality. The leadership should also acknowledge and support the proper and authorized use of the resources of the organization. Whats more, the management should not design or implement systems that are deliberately demeaning to others . They should also create opportunities for organizational members to learn the set principles and the issues related to the profession. Compliance with the code is also an element that could be considered optional. Upholding and promoting the codes principles is important but its inclusion is optional as the members know that they should comply with the code and encourage as well as support adherence by other employees (Flanagan, 2012). Any violations of the code should not be accepted nor tolerated in spite of adherence to it is largely a voluntary matter. An important professional characteristic is the need of the members to abide by the Code of Ethics. Subscribing to a set of ideas and values is essential to the society as they uphold and advance the dignity and honor as well as effectiveness of the profession. This Code of Ethics framework defines the purpose of the ICT organization. It is a broad set of principles that are intended to educate as well as set up general guidelines that would help guide the conduct of the professionals (Code of Conduct for ICT - EU Science Hub - European Commission, 2018). The framework has an overriding commitment to satisfy the public interest through demonstrating professional competence. The ICT organizations intend to serve the best interest of the society by contributing to its growth (Understanding the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). It is also about a member of the organization doing something not just because it is legal but because it is right. It is about the duty of the org anization to protect the society from the harm or injury the organization may bring to it. This framework shows the organizations service to the greater good with the public interests given the first priority. Fair practice, respect, and integrity, as well as honesty, reliability, and accountability, are core attributes of the organization. Respecting privacy and honor is also of essence especially when conducting professional practices. It also shows that it is important to acquire professional competence and maintain it since excellence is a very significant obligation of a professional. Setting standards as professionals are the best strategy for individuals to attain professional excellence. Hence, this framework, in general, shows that it is important for every professional to be committed to ethical professional conduct. References ACS Code of Ethics. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Australian Computer Society CODE OF ETHICS. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Bledsoe, M. (2017). The Importance Of A Code Of Ethics For It Professionals, Career Trend. Code of Conduct for ICT - EU Science Hub - European Commission. (2018). EU Science Hub. Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Ethics and the ICS Code of Conduct. (2018). Ics professionalism. Retrieved 1 April 2018, from Flanagan, P. (2012). The ISBT code of Ethics and the altruistic donor.ISBT Science Series,7(1), 303-306. Singapore Computer Society. (2018).Singapore Computer Society Code of Conduct. Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Understanding the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Origins of Judicial Review Essays - , Term Papers

The Origins of Judicial Review In 1717, Bishop Hoadly told King George I, "Whoever hath an absolute authority to interpret written or spoken laws; it is he who is truly the lawgiver to all intents and purposes and not the person who wrote or spoke them (Pollack, 153)." Early sentiments similar these have blossomed into a large scale debate over which branch of our government has the power to overturn laws that do not follow the foundations of our democratic system; the constitution. In this paper I will discuss the history of judicial review in respect to the U.S. Supreme Court, but more importantly, I will discuss the impact that judicial review has had on the Supreme Court and our system of government and the various arguments behind this power that the Supreme Court now possesses. The first instance that the Supreme Court showed its power under the cloak of judicial review was in the legendary case of Marbury v. Madison. In the confusion of leaving office, President John Adams failed to have delivered four commissions that he had made before having to surrender his power to Thomas Jefferson. In fact, the responsibility of delivering the commissions was left in the hands of John Marshall, the former Secretary of State under Adams, who was now the chief justice of the Supreme Court. When Jefferson took office, he refused to have the commissions delivered, and the case was filed by Marbury and the three other marshals that failed to receive their commissions. As the Chief Justice, Marshall wrote the opinion of the court by answering three questions concerning the case; did Marbury have a right to the commission, did Marbury have a remedy to receive the commission, and was a writ of mandamus the proper remedy to receive the commission. Marshall answered yes to the first two questions, but said that the Supreme Court could not give him the commission he was entitled to through a writ of mandamus. Through this decision, Marshall not only asserted the power of the court with judicial review, but also avoided a potentially devastating confrontation with the presidency in the early years of our fledgling government. Marshall was able to establish the judiciary's role in our government with this decision by answering the question that if the courts do not have this power, which does. The significance of the Marbury v. Madison decision is far reaching. Before the 1803 decision, the court had never really been a factor in our government, so much that the 1802 session was terminated by President Jefferson. The case established the Supreme Court's authority to review and strike down governmental actions that did not follow the Constitution. Marshall believed that although the framers of the Constitution did not explicitly write the power of judicial review into the constitution, it was what the framers intended. I will discuss this argument in greater detail later. After the Marbury v. Madison decision, the Marshall court enjoyed a new found power, but rarely found occasion to use it since most of the cases that were heard were rather trivial private law disputes. However, the court was able to hand down a number of important opinions interpreting various aspects of the Constitution. After Marshall's death in 1835, Roger B. Taney ascended to the chief justice. Taney, unlike Marshall, was a Jacksonian Democrat, and a strong supporter of President Jackson and his view of state's rights. It was Taney who passed down the infamous 1857 decision in Dredd Scott v. Sandford, which displayed the court's belief that blacks had no real Constitutional status and that the court strongly supported state's rights. Furthermore, the Dredd Scott decision worsened conditions for nationalists, and inevitably pushed our nation closer to civil war. After the war had ended, the court again found itself busy with a large caseload due to the many commercial and private disputes raised by the war. Chief justices Salmon Chase and Morrison Waite helped to reestablish congressional power over the defeated South, but had little chance to use its power of judicial review during this time or repair. The close of the war brought the Industrial Revolution and newfound problems to our country and government. Two questions which

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Managing Strategy free essay sample

Political According Blee and Whittington (2011), government in western countries are introducing different laws in order to discourage different type of drinking which might result into accidents or health problem. Government in the United Kingdom has put a certain limit on drink driving which is over 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood as stated by direct. gov. uk (2011) and the drivers whom are found guilty might face driving ban. Economical There are several factors which affects the economic through the brewery industry in Western Europe. As stated by Blee and Whittington (2011), one of it is the decrease of demand for beer which is eventually results in lower taxes for the government. Social They also suggest that the decrease in demand for beer is usually related to the substitutes and also the new innovation in beer by some company such as apple flavour beer. This means people drinking habit are changing and prefer to some other drinks. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Strategy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In country such as UK sales of beer decreased dramatically after the recession where there was seen a fall of by 9. 9% in 2009 according to Wallop. Blee and Whittington (2011) shows that there has been decline in demand in countries like Germany and France. Technological There is been new type of drinks created by different firms in order to diversify their products. Firms like have created new product such as apple flavour beer according to the case study. Environmental The main environmental issue with beer is the waste of the cans and the bottles. But in countries like UK and Germany, councils has been providing with separate bin for recyclable items such as cans and bottles according to wasteonline. om. It also suggests that this initiative taken by the Government has also decrease the emission of carbon dioxide which is produced normally on the production of a new glass. Legal There are different concerns about the legal status of brewery firms according to the case study. One of the main issues is licensing of firms. As cited by another issue is the price-fixing cartel. In order to resolve this problem, the European Commis sion decided to fined firms who were involved. Some other legal issues related to beer are drink driving and permitted hours for shops to sell them. Porter’s five forces theory Threat of entry Western European brewery industry is highly concentrated and thus it is difficult for any other company to enter the market according to the case study. But this also suggest there are still small threats from firms like Tsingtao which claims to promote its sales volume and became an international great company. Thus, it might be a future challenge for the existing firms. Supplier’s power The main suppliers for the brewery industry are the packaging industry as cited by the case study. It also suggests the market for the packaging industry is highly concentrated and therefore it is tough for brewery firms to make a backward integration. The other main things that are important to make beer are its ingredients and the most important of them is the barley according to Arnold (2005). The barley companies do not have much bargaining power and the brewery firms can thus exploit the prices. Buyer’s power The concentration for buyers in brewery industry is low according to the case study. This means that beer is a low percentage of the buyers’ total purchases as stated by Johnson et al (2009). Thus the consumers here buyers can change from one brand to the other as the switching cost is low. Competitive rivalry Brewery industry has few but big firms which compete fiercely against each other. It can be said to be an oligopoly as it is defined as a market where there are few big firms according to. According to the case study, Heineken and Carlsberg with A-B Inbev are the big players in the Western European market. It also suggests that there are lots of competitions with the firms. Substitutes According to the case study, non-alcoholic beers, extra cold lagers and fruit flavoured beers are the closest substitutes for alcoholic beers. The other substitute for beer is wine as it is been preferred as an alcohol in countries like UK and France as it has saw an increase in consumption through the years according. It can be concluded that PESTEL and Porter’s five forces can be interrelated to each other. Each of the factors related. For example, Porter’s competitive rivalry is one force that includes most of the PESTEL as it consists of things like political to legal. Regarding the Analysis of the factors affecting the brewery industry, it can be concluded that the market consist of few big firms which makes it an oligopoly. The two analysis show that the demand for beer has been decreasing in Western Europe and the demand for its substitute has increase. It can also be concluded that due to Government new policies and intervention has firstly help to reduce the abuse of alcohol and secondly has been able to break prize fixing strategy of many firms in order to exploit consumers. An-bev An-bev has the largest market share in the brewery industry in the world according to, this makes it very strong and thus it is very difficult to compete with such competition. The political initiative affects the company negatively as the new policies discourage people from consuming alcohol in Western Europe.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Catholic Inquisition Essays

The Catholic Inquisition Essays The Catholic Inquisition Essay The Catholic Inquisition Essay The Catholic Inquisition is best defined as a crusade by the church to rid the world of heretics. However, the scope under which these measures were carried out is a testament to the power that the Catholic Church exercised over both the ruling class (kings, lords, and other nobles) in addition to the lay people and commoners. Prior to the 1 lath century, the nobles had increasingly dictated church affairs, as they were making secular choices for bishops. This was important for the nobles to do because a bishop would often be the governmental administrator for a town, in edition to the spiritual leader. However, the papacy began to chafe at this external interference, and more so this external exertion of power. Thus, a spirit of reform came about, spearheaded by Pope Gregory VI. He laid out assertions of power that were to be uniform across the Catholic world, with such edicts as: The Pope alone would appoint or depose bishops The Pope alone would have his feet kissed by princes The Pope alone could depose emperors None of the Popes Judgments could be overturned, except by he himself No one could Judge the Pope The Popes decisions were Infallible With such sweeping powers, plus the supposed moral high-ground, the Church now sat as equal If not greater to any monarchy. As time went on, these powers evolved Into a formal court known as the Inquisition which would serve as the means to exercise these powers against enemies of the Church. In the beginning of the 13th century, these courts could try those accused of being heretics. The accusers did not have to face the victim, thus leaving room for abuses and false accusations. Also, a confession or a denial could equally result In punishment; with the former resulting In a flogging or confiscation of property and he latter resulting In torture and/or death. The true Insight Into the relationship between the church and society Is that no other Institution, regardless of Influence or power, could have carried out such a nefarious means of accomplishing Its objectives. Only the church, with the supposed backing of God, could commit such travesties and not be overthrown. However, both nobles and commoners, In constant fear of delve consequences, had no choice but to submit and obey. The Popes decisions were infallible sat as equal if not greater to any monarchy. As time went on, these powers evolved into a formal court known as the Inquisition abuses and false accusations. Also, a confession or a denial could equally result in punishment; with the former resulting in a flogging or confiscation of property and the latter resulting in torture and/or death. The true insight into the relationship between the church and society is that no other institution, regardless of influence or power, could have carried out such a nefarious means of accomplishing its objectives. Only the church, with the supposed backing of commoners, in constant fear of divine consequences, had no choice but to submit

Thursday, November 21, 2019

SDL-VALUE & VALUE CO-CREATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

SDL-VALUE & VALUE CO-CREATION - Essay Example 147-149). Consequently, the article explores the virtues of Aristotle’s stand on exchange and use value differences. Indeed, the article is based on claims and comments made by other prominent economic scholars such as Adam smith. In these references, the authors concentrate on the domain of goods-dominant logic. This presence is intended to compare and contrast the two logics taking into reference the business concept of Coca Cola Company. Service Dominant Concept The service-dominant model is based on the aspect of interdependence between consumers and producers. Presumably, the system is based on direct producer-consumer observations. It is sufficiently important that the relationship or transfer of value between producers and consumers have different forms of interpretation. Indeed, different interpretations depend on the corresponding discipline or field of study (Vargo, Maglio, & Akaka, 2009, p. 33-35). Apparently, the fundamentals of commerce are the underlying factors that streamline the aspect of utility and production. Thus, the different models translate to the fundamental principles of production and consumption as explained in consumer science and other related disciplines. Consequently, the article approaches the issue with the intentions of unearthing any underlying associations. Value In the view of service-dominant value, value is considered to be characterized by the total effects of both the producers and consumers. An illustration of this is that, goods are valued after reaching a particular point in the process of consumption. Therefore, the consumers confer the element of value to goods when these prove to be effective in their use. At this point, it is clear that there is a relationship between the aspect of value and the process of consumption (Vargo, Maglio, & Akaka, 2009, p. 35-38). Therefore, the aspect of value is best explained when consumption is put into consideration, since these two affect each other. The value of goods t herefore, depends on how satisfactory they are to the consumer. This is the major differentiating factor between goods-dominant perspective and the service-dominant value perspective. For instance, Coca Cola would be interested in preparing and delivering Coca Cola drinks as a product in goods dominant logic. However, in service dominant logic, Coca Cola would be interested in synergising customer satisfaction with factors of production. Goods Dominant Concept In the goods-dominant value, value is attached to the transfer of goods to the consumers from the producers. In this perspective, the more goods are transferred between producers and consumers, the higher the value. On the other hand, the service-dominant value draws from different views and approaches (Vargo, Maglio, & Akaka, 2008, p. 147-149). In this case, to facilitate the transfer of goods between producers and consumers, the consumers must make their payments for the goods. This is meant to ensure the continuity of the v alue chain, so that consumers can come back and get more goods at a value. In the context of Coca Cola Company, service in service dominant logic, is the application of competences in terms of knowledge and skills in all factors of production aimed at providing refreshment service to the consumers. The issue of productive and non-productive

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Nature Of Quality And The Categories Of Quality Television Essay

The Nature Of Quality And The Categories Of Quality Television - Essay Example Value is about finances, cultural importance, and artistic importance. However, it is financial value that must first be addressed to then move towards addressing the more esoteric values. Quality is determined by who is defining the concept. Cultural changes and shifts will also affect the concept of quality. Through an exploration of the concept of family in television, as an example, an understanding of how culture is influenced by television as much as it influences the nature of programming can be understood. The categories of culture that are defined for the concept of ‘quality’ television are related to the idea that the elite determine the distribution of information, thus informing the public and formatting belief systems and cultural boundaries. In an examination of the idea of quality and relating it to the idea of categories of culture, the nature of power and information control emerges. The concept of quality television is a topic for families, social group s, and theorists. It is not often, however, a topic of interest for programmers. The first issue in trying to determine how to define quality television is through an understanding that that those most interested in quality are not necessarily those who are responsible for making television. Television is business, therefore the interests of the programmers is to find television programming that will sell, which is not always in line with what is considered high quality. Television is the business of making programs that can be made for the least amount of money in order to gain the highest profit from advertising dollars. The interest from the business end that might contribute to higher quality television would be in the realm of writers, directors, creators and producers. McCabe and Akass quote Robin Nelson for having stated that â€Å"notions of quality are ‘an open narrative of the broad cultural and institutional context of the evaluation and the valuer, rather than a c losed resolution answering the question of worth for all time† (McCabe and Akass, 4). Quality is a question of fashion as much as it is a question of culture. The nature of a piece of ‘art’ is considered of high quality only because society has determined that it represents a notion of quality. Quality means different things to different sectors of society. The very concept of quality cannot be determined through an overall sense of the idea as each individual provides their own framework of quality. According to Friske and Jenkins, the differences between quality as determined by the bourgeoisie and that of the elite, the concept of quality is determined through different criteria. Quality is relevant, to the bourgeoisie, through its functionality. Therefore, in trying to understand the nature of quality, the concept of relevance must be determined. The defining concept of relevance lays within â€Å" A consensus of what is high quality can be reached through a determinant of what is valued. Relevance is a way in which quality is determined and judged as it is â€Å"activated in the specifics of each moment of reading: unlike aesthetics, relevance is time – and place bound† (Fiske and Jenkins, 103). It might be determined, then that the way in which quality is discovered is through an understanding of its relevance to time and space, the way in which it fits into the greater scheme of cultural meanings. Quality is a custom, rather than a specific identifiable quantity. To determine quality is to associate it to how something functions within the dynamics that are relevant during a time period. This is specifically relevant to the nature of television as most programs have a very small, finite time in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Factor Analysis And Confirmatory Factor Analysis Essay Example for Free

Factor Analysis And Confirmatory Factor Analysis Essay Factor analysis is an arithmetical technique used to describe variability regarding observed variables with regard to lower number of unobserved variables. Factor analysis looks for such joint variations in response to unobserved hidden variables. The observed variables are molded as linear combinations of potential factors including the error terms. Information attained regarding interdependence between observed factors can later be utilized to reduce the set of variables within a dataset. Factor analysis originated in psychometrics and is applied in behavioral sciences operations research and applied sciences which deal with large quantities of data. In psychology, factor analysis is in most cases associated with intelligence search. Factor analysis has been used to search for factors within a broad range of spheres such as character, beliefs and attitudes. Factor analysis isolates the underlying variables that make clear the data. There are two types of factor analysis; principal factor analysis and common factor analysis. The factors generated by principal factor analysis are theoretical as being as liner combinations of variables whereas those generated by common factor analysis are theoretical latent variables. Computationally, the main difference is that the diagonal relationship matrix is substituted with common variables in common factor analysis. Factor analysis is performed through examining the pattern of connection between the observed variables. Variables which are highly related have a likelihood of being influenced by factors such as those which are moderately unrelated and have a more likelihood of being influenced by different factors. Principal component analysis is the most widespread factor analysis. Principal factor analysis seeks for a linear combination of measures in such a way that the maximum difference is extracted form the measures. It then removes the difference and search for a second liner a combination that explains the maximum proportion of the remaining variance. Conducting a Confirmatory Factor Analysis The main purpose of a Confirmatory Factor Analysis is to establish the ability of a prearranged variable model to fit within an observed set of data. Among the normal uses of Confirmatory Factor Analysis include; establishing the weight of a single factor representation compares the ability of two differing models to account for the same set of data, test the significance of particular factor loading, test the connection between two or more factor loadings and also to evaluate the convergent and discriminate strength of a set of measures. Conducting a Confirmatory Factor Analysis The six stages involved include; Describing the factor model which is the first thing required to be done accurately to define the model one wants to test. This involves choosing the number of factors and defining the nature of loadings between measures and factors. The loading can be fixed at zero or any other constant number or allowed to vary within specified constraints. Collect the measurements through measurement of variables on same experimental units. Obtain a correlation matrix by getting the correlation between each of the variables. Fit the model into data by selecting a method to obtain the estimates of factor loadings which were free to vary. The normal model-fitting method is the Maximum likelihood estimation that needs to be used unless the measures serious lack multivariate normality. In such a case one can use Asymptotically distribution free estimation. Evaluation of model adequacy s done when the factor model is fit the data, the factor loading are selected to minimize the difference between the correlation matrix implied by the model and the actual observed matrix. The amount of difference after the best parameters have been selected can be used as a measure as to how reliable the reproduction is with the data. The commonly used assessment of model adequacy is the X2 goodness of fit test. Null hypothesis for this test holds that the model sufficiency for the data, while the other is that there a significant level f differences. Regrettably, this test is highly sensitive to sample size since, tests used in testing large samples generally lead to a rejection of null hypothesis, even when factor model is suitable. Other statistics like the Tucker-Lewis index, compare the fitness of planned model to a null representation.   These statistics show less sensitivity to sample size. By comparing these two models with other model one can is able observe the difference between their X 2 statistics which is almost equal to X2 distribution. About al individual factor loading tests can be compared to reduced and full factor models.   In situations where there is no comparison of full and reduced models, use of Root mean square error of approximation is recommended which is n estimation of discrepancy per degree of freedom within the model. References DeCoster, J. (1998). Overview of Factor Analysis. Retrieved on August, 16, 2010 from

Friday, November 15, 2019

Regeneration Schemes in Detroit Michigan

Regeneration Schemes in Detroit Michigan As a result of increased mobility, cities are constantly changing. People move in from towns and rural areas and become concentrated in urban ones and then the pattern reverses and the move is from the urban to the rural, creating semi-cities. This growth of the suburbs has seen the decline of the urban core. As a result, the urban dynamic is no longer one of expansion, but of shrinkage. An example of the suburban movement can be seen in the Shrinking Cities in the USA where the suburban population increased by 12% in the period from 1970 to 1977 whereas the central city population decreased by 4.6% (Holcomb and Beauregard, 1981). This has lead to a change in the cities, where the suburbs of the middle-class and jobs (factories/offices) are key elements and the inner cities have been abandoned (Sassen, 1991). The drastic changes in cities caused by shrinking presents not only an economic and social, but also a cultural challenge. Shrinking cities oppose the image of the boomtown- a b ig city characterised by constant economic and demographic growth. The American Dream of prosperity for all meant that cities like Detroit and New Orleans grew to be vibrant, bustling cities but as a result of two totally different issues- one economic and one a natural disaster- they became shrinking cities which have had to find ways of regenerating. Detroit, Michigan developed from 1900 as the centre of the global auto industry. In 1930, it was the fourth largest city in the United States and grew to a population of 1.8 million by 1950. Its fortunes turned after World War II and by the end of 1950s, the movement to the suburbs had already begun. From 1950 to 2000, Detroits population plummeted, as factory after factory closed and its economic condition steadily worsened. As white-collar employment moved to the suburbs along with large parts of the citys middle class, office buildings, retail corridors in downtown and elsewhere were neglected and abandoned. The remaining population was poorer, and more highly dependent on public services that the city could no longer afford to provide. One of the main reasons for shrinkage is the de-industrialisation process where factories move to other destinations where production costs are cheaper and/or global economic factors that have a devastating effect on one industry i.e. the car indus try. The exodus of mainly white inhabitants into the suburbs was a cause of the decay of Detroits inner city. Next the automotive factories and shopping malls began to follow the people beyond the citys administrative borders. Detroit has become a byword for economic decline and urban decay. By 2000, the city had shrunk to 950,000 residents, while the surrounding suburban population grew to nearly 4 million. Today, Detroits population is around 800,000, less than half its 1950 population. Over 40 square miles is made up of vacant land, and between 30,000 and 50,000 buildings sit empty. Almost one-third of the land is empty or unused and nearly 80,000 homes are vacant. Unemployment in Detroit stands at 28 % and compared against USAs 100 largest metropolitan regions, Detroit finishes last. The image above is an aerial view of a mostly vacant neighborhood in downtown Detroit. It illustrates the loss of social fabric and the consequent issue of safety associated with an abandoned neighborhood. When a population shrinks, the decline is not evenly spread across the city, causing more problems- Detroits tagline is Murder City of the World. Without sufficient concentrations of people, not only is the provision of normal municipal services extremely expensive, but urban life itself begins to break down. There are not enough customers to support the neighborhood stores and services, or even to provide a sense of community. Empty streets become unsafe and abandoned buildings become haunts for drug dealers and other criminals. (Rybeczynski 1995 pp36-44) Whilst Detroit shrank as a result of economic forces, New Orleans contraction was caused almost entirely by Hurricane Katrina. In August 2005 80% of the city was flooded, with some parts under 15 feet (4.5m) of water. More than half of its residents left the city as a result of the storm. Most of the major roads travelling into and out of the city were damaged. As of October 2006, the population of New Orleans had dropped by almost 60% from 455,000 people pre-storm to 187,500 post-storm. Hurricane Katrina hit the most underprivileged members of society who inhabited the most susceptible areas-these areas were populated by poor African Americans. (Griffith M. 2006). The storm and its aftermath devastated tens of thousands of already struggling people. But three years later it is growing rapidly and has become one of the countrys fastest growing cities. Its population is up 8.2% in the 12 months that ended July 1, 2008, gaining 23,740 people to 311,853, according to the US Census Burea u, 2008. So how has New Orleans managed to overcome its devastating problems and turn itself into a modern day boom town? Why has it taken Detroit so much longer to come to terms with its problems? Urban shrinkage is a fairly normal global phenomenon (Oswalt quoted in Detroit is Not Alone, Dec. 10, 2003 Collins L.). Oswalt does not see shrinkage as a harmful thing. In reality, he sees the shrunken city as an empty canvas for planners, architects and artists to develop innovative and improved ways of living. Detroit is not better or worse than other places, says Oswalt. Its just different. The question is not whether Detroit is a shrinking city or a city in decline. The fact is that it will be a far smaller city, in terms of population, than in the past. If Detroit could manage to boost its economy, there is still a fundamental issue -it is just too big for itself. Detroit has to change because it simply cant manage as it is. The city grew to accommodate two million people, not the 800,000 that live there today. Can a smaller Detroit become a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable Detroit? Detroit has far more land than it needs to accommodate its people. It needs to look at its land uses to create smaller, better functioning, more sustainable and interconnected liveable communities (AIA Report 2008). A new compact development pattern based on an urban core and a network of urban villages linked by roads and roadways will not only allow for more efficient and cost effective delivery of public services, but will encourage public transportation, provide opportunities for diverse, mixed income communities, and create long term environmental benefit by reducing vehicle use and fostering transit and land use efficiency. In other words it needs to right size. Schematic representation of future urban form concept for Detroit (AIAs R/UDAT (Regional and Urban Design Assistance Team) Katz and Bradley writing in the New Republic 2009 suggest that the new Detroit might be a patchwork of newly dense neighborhoods, large and small urban gardens, art installations, and old factories transformed into adventure parks. The Detroit River waterfront area is already being restored and a land bank has been established where the authorities commission vacant and derelict properties and start clearing the land. They can then decide what to do with it- a small park, handing it over to a resident or community group for tending, redevelopment or just green space. Detroit already has hundreds of community gardens and a growing number of small agricultural operations. When the centre depopulates, nature enters the city and replaces the people. This combination of natural and artificial ecology gave me the idea of Urban Ecologya city is an organism rather than a machine. (Park K. 2005). These urban agriculture schemes will employ thousands of residents, as well as improve their health. By increasing consumption of locally produced food the Citys carbon footprint is reduced and existing food processors and distributors in Detroit gain additional business opportunities. Detroit needs to fill the jobs gap by educating and empowering all the diverse groups. It needs to create jobs that all residents can access-these urban farms would help. New Orleans started its regeneration in full view of the world. The disaster affected the locals but the nation, as a whole, were on trial to get the rebuilding programme right .The city received help from Federal and State governments as well as thousands of volunteers who wanted to see the city emerge stronger and better. Approximately $109 billion was allocated towards the recovery, with housing a priority-without housing for returning families, workers, and new temporary workers then businesses would close and the economy would worsen. The Regional Transport Authority provided free transport. There was a worldwide thrust to get New Orleans city quickly rebuilt. It worked, as was stated earlier; it has become one of the countrys fastest growing cities. The storm was devastating but it didnt destroy the citys strong musical heart: musicians returned and the music scene- essential to New Orleans identity- is on the road to recovery. Relief efforts started to help New Orleans musicia ns after the storm. The New Orleans Musicians Clinic began a Foundation to help musicians replace their instruments and return to their homes. After the initial crisis passed, its efforts centred on giving musical instruments to schools for the next generation of musicians. In fact the Sweet Home New Orleans Foundation raised more than $2 million to help musicians. The American dream was once again awoken in New Orleans- working together to achieve a better, richer, and happier city for its people. Race is an issue in both cities-both have a highly segregated community living in a concentrated area. Detroit needs to create a sustainable community where all the community value the land, work towards finding economic opportunities that are environmentally responsible and socially just, and create viable, healthy communities that are shared by all people, of all economic levels and racial or ethnic backgrounds. In 1955, during its famous period of being the Motor City, the car company, General Motors, arrogantly influenced the city governing body to have the citys tramlines torn up. Their logic was that the workers earned enough to buy cars and enough money to use them to travel. Today, there is hardly any local public transport-this has to be a priority. The people of Detroit want their city to be alive again. Many initiatives and projects have started and new investment has begun to flow into the centre of downtown and there are signs of a slow recovery. Initiatives include: Back a Bike- encouraging and enthusing the young to use cycles for transport and leisure, Cass Corridor Neighbourhood Development Corporation where community partnerships work together to acquire abandoned buildings and renovate them. The Earthworks Urban Farm uses volunteers to educate Detroit school children in science, nutrition and biodiversity through organic farming. Detroit Summer is another highly successful scheme where students from the University of Michigan and volunteers from both inside and outside of Detroit work on rejuvenating parks, designing art works, poetry workshops and progressive hip hop events- the sounds of Motown returning! There is a Motown Museum in the original Hitsville USA studio on West Grand Boulevard, but the city hasnt really built on its famous musical past. The Denver Film Centre is one of many groups that offer regular filmmaking classes and workshops-Detroit itself has been used many times as a location for Hollywood films. Maybe if Detroit had been savaged by a hurricane and submerged by a voracious flood then maybe the rest of the USA and the world would help and support it? Can it ever return to being a city once the living proof of the American dreams? Compared to New Orleans, Detroit has received minimal government aid-$18.4 billion. The local government continues to argue over its fate and there is no cohesive policy that unites all. To date the energy and financial commitment needed to help grasp any vision of urbanity is sorely lacking. The city is fragmented and if its allowed to die, then it would be an American nightmare. Bibliography AIAs R/UDAT (Regional and Urban Design Assistance Team) 2008 Collins L., Detroit is Not Alone Griffith M., Hurricane Katrina: The Catastrophe that Uncovered Americas Race and Class Issues, Tulane University Graduate Paper, 2006 Holcomb and Beauregarde, Revitalising Cities, Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers, 1981 Katz B., Bradley J., The Detroit Project, A plan for solving Americas greatest urban disaster, 2009 Liu, Fellowes, Mabanta, Katrina Index: Tracking Variables of Post-Katrina Recovery, Washington Brookings Institution. 2006. Oswalt P. et al, The Shrinking City Volume 2,Hatje Cantz Publishers 2006 Oswalt P. et al, The Shrinking City Volume 2,Hatje Cantz Publishers 2006 Park K. et al Urban Ecology: Detroit and Beyond MAP Book Publishers 2005 Richardson J. Whats Needed for Post-Hurricane Recovery, Washington: The Financial Services Roundtable, 2006 Rybezynzski W. Downsizing To Make Cities Work Better, Make Smaller, The Atlantic Monthly (October 1995 Washington DC) pp36-40 Rybezynski W. City Life Diane Publishing Company 1995 Sassen S. The Global City Princeton University Press 1991 US Census Bureau

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Article Summary Essay

Upon reading the article there was a strong emphasis on the interaction from within the virtual classroom and the communication that the students had developed with the instructor and other students in the classroom. Due to the flexibility that the online classroom offers many people are signing up. In the past many people preferred the classroom setting, because it gave him or her, the capability of having interaction amongst peers. However since this has turned into a text, and email world many people have chosen to go to college online. The number one method of conversation used to be either in person or on the phone, now it is through text message and by email. The online classes do require participation and the way that participation is graded is by the involvement that the student makes with his or he peers. While online course enrolments continue to climb, retention and success rates in such courses and programs are frequently reported as typically lower than those delivered in a traditional classroom format; those of us in roles that support online students have a role in reversing that trend! (Schreck, 2006).Online classes take much dedication, and a structure of independence. Life in general can be busy and full of circumstances. It takes a person who can independently work on his or her own, and have a desire to complete task and finish the course facilitator participation When teachers interact with students during online classes, the students tend to participate more. Just knowing that even if there is not a teacher that is standing over you insuring that assignments are done, or that you are participating in group discussions or activities, initiates interaction. According to the text â€Å"the student’s online posts, online quizzes, and tests were analyzed using ATLAS software (Nagel, Blignaut & Cronje, 2007). Since the virtual classroom does not have the capability of someone directly standing over a student, a strategic plan had to be developed in order to make sure the students were participating in daily classroom activities, as well as a test of his or her knowledge to  demonstrate that the student was actually obtaining and learning the information that has been taught. Through the discussion forum the teacher is able to analyze if the student is on the correct track, or if explanation needs to be given on a particular subject. Students have to have the desire to learn, as well as the desire to accomplish an online class. However the student must be dedicated to logging in, participating in the classroom discussions, and interacting with his or her peers and instructor. References Nagel, L., Blignaut, A.S., Cronje, J.C. (2007). Read-only participants: a case for student communication in online classes. Interactive Learning Environment, Vol17, 37-51.Retrieved December 10, 2012. Schreck, V. (2006). It takes a virtual village: Practical strategies for improving online learning Retention Rate. Retrieved December 10, 2012, from: /38.htm.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ebay Turnaround Strategy Essay

The company known as eBay, which started in 1995, grew significantly within a decade to become the number one e-commerce site in the world by sales revenue. In 2008, Donahoe took over as the new CEO of eBay. This was a time when the company was facing issues with growth and consumer behavior was changing. What used to be a thrilling experience for buyers was now an inconvenient waste of time and money. Consumers who were eager to bid against each other for products online were now satisfied with buying new products at fixed prices. Therefore, ebay’s turnaround strategy was to bring the consumers the best experience to find what they want exactly how and when they want it. Although traditional eBay sellers complained about the difficulty for them to do business profitably with the new strategy, Donahoe believed buyers wanted fixed prices, quick service, and free shipping. I agree with Donahoe’s turnaround strategy because eBay had to focus on the market demands to see growth. Something had to be done in a market where consumers wanted fixed prices and free shipping that they were receiving from companies like Amazon. om. Marketing segmentation is dividing a market into smaller segments of buyers with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors that might require separate marketing and develops profiles of the resulting market segments. Creating applications for smart phones and tablets was a good way to separate a specific department to its customers. For example, the eBay Fashion app allowed users to browse through products from the fashion department. Buyers were able to take time out of their day and make more purchases with mix and match features. Using the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) method, companies like eBay classify all its SBUs according to the growth-share matrix. Market growth rate provides a measure of market attractiveness and relative market share measures a company’s strength in the market. The four types of SBUs are stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs. Stars are high-growth, high-share businesses like eBay. When their growth slows down it turns into cash cows, which need less investment to hold their market share. Pepsi is a cash cow in the sense that its not growing but it is making large profit in the meantime. Question marks are low-share business units in high-growth markets. A question mark could be a small garage that does car repairs because it has a small market share but a large demand for car repairs. Dogs are low-growth, low-share businesses and products that may generate enough cash to maintain themselves. An example of this would be a small town theatre business.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Death of a Salesman Essays

Death of a Salesman Essays Death of a Salesman Essay Death of a Salesman Essay was therefore quite a radical challenge to make at the time, as unlike nowadays, people did not constantly self-analyse on a national and individual level. The dream is the villain of the play. Willys desperate nocturnal attempt to grow vegetables in the garden further compounds to this idea, as it signifies not only his shame at not being able to provide for his family, but also symbolises the concept that pursuing the dream is a fruitless affair altogether. Consequently, if the American Dream is the villain, Willy Loman cannot be deemed a typical tragic hero because it is the society he lives in that predetermines his downfall from the very beginning. Some critics have even gone as far as saying that Death of a Salesman cannot be deemed a true tragedy because of this, but rather a social drama 8 according to Brenda Murphy. This is because it is questionable as to whether Willy Loman has any control over his destiny at all, as although he is in command of his body and actions, the American Dream has polluted his mind to such an extent that he can barely grasp reality. Indeed, his frequent hallucinations at inappropriate moments emphasise this: Pull myself together! What the hell did I say to him? My God, I was yelling at him! Also, Miller often uses language through out the play to foreshadow Willys death: these arch supports are killing me , tired to death etc. It is almost as if Willy is predicting his own ends; he is precariously ready to drop or give up on life throughout many sections of the play. This self-pity is not an admirable quality and is therefore more befitting to a victim than a tragic hero. Interestingly, another interpretation of Willys character is that he is a tragic villain. This is because he selfishly disregards the dreams of his family in order to fulfil his own. Biff, for example, is not a businessman at heart and is content with the simple necessities of life (Why am I trying to become what I dont want to be? ). However, his father constantly makes him feel guilty about this and frequently refers to him as a lazy bum. Also, in declining Charleys job offer Willy Loman casts his familys needs aside because it does not live up to his ideal job. Although the term villain may be a bit harsh, it is certainly true that the shortcomings of his personality make Willy a harder character to sympathise with than Sophocless Oedipus for example. In this way he could be considered neither a hero nor a victim, because a tragic victim generally needs to arouse high compassion amongst audiences. To conclude, it seems as if the character of Willy Loman is most accurately described as an anti-hero. This is because, although he is the protagonist of the play, he lacks many of the traditional qualities of a true tragic hero; Miller has subverted this stereotype in creating Willy Loman. More importantly however, audiences would certainly not wish t to be like him in any way, although there are undoubtedly aspects of Willys personality that we can relate to. As Joyce Carol Oates suggests: For all his delusions and intellectual limitations Willy Loman is all of us. Or, rather, we are Willy Loman, particularly those of us who are writers, poets, dreamers; the yearning soul way out there in the blue. 1 Nevertheless, Willy does still possess some of the attributes of Aristotles typical tragic hero as previously mentioned, which means he cannot be considered a total victim either. The only certainty is that critics will continue to ponder over Willy Lomans character for years to come. Bibliography: 1. ) Oates, Joyce Carol. Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, Michigan Quarterly Review, Fall 1998. 2. ) Moss, Leonard. Arthur Miller, 1967. 3. ) Salitt, D. The Character of Willy Loman, 2000. 4. ) Swietek, F. Death of a Salesman: Tragedy? , 2003. 5. ) Carson, Neil. Arthur Miller, New York Grove Press,1982. 6. ) Miller, Arthur. Tragedy and the Common Man, 1949. 7. ) Adams, James Truslow. Epic of America, 1931. 8. ) Murphy, Brenda. The Tradition of Social Drama,1997.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Demographic Information Essays (281 words) - Syndromes, Free Essays

Demographic Information Essays (281 words) - Syndromes, Free Essays Demographic Information Setting Chronicle A look at life today with Down Syndrome. During her 19th week of pregnancy Mary found out her baby had Down syndrome. Lauren found out 12 hours after her baby had been born that she had Down syndrome. Showed Laurens daughter Lucy in her classroom and in her house at age 9. 46 year old John, an advocate at MDSC, also lives in his apartment alone. Melissa, an intern and political junky, is now taking college classes. Christopher May of Newton, member of the council. Students Observed Lucy, John, Christopher, Melissa Disabilities Observed Down syndrome Activities Observed This video is about people with Down syndrome advocating for other people with Down syndrome. From pregnancy to full adulthood, people with Down syndrome are living longer and are living full lives and are involved even in the work force. Reflection Professionals Role I believe the Professionals in this video are not only the parents and teachers of the students with Down syndrome but those with Down syndrome themselves. Being advocates for others with their disabilities and standing up and fighting for themselves for equality makes them not only professionals but heroes in my eyes. These are people you can really look up to and learn from. Insight Gained Insight gained from this video would be people with these disabilities are living longer and fuller lives and some even on their own. Research has shown that we can now detect babies with Down syndrome while they are still in the womb, giving the parents even more time to adjust and prepare for the future of their child. Advocates of people with Down syndrome are pushing for equality and they are pushing for rights for more independence and aid.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Sustainability Development in Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Sustainability Development in Russia - Essay Example Russia strongly focuses on effective social, economic, political and environmental policy development in order to maintain the constant sustainable growth rate of the country. In addition to this, the country has significantly improved business environment through the development of unique domestic and foreign policies. The government of Russia effectively follows the traditional political structure and charismatic leadership style to increase the rate of sustainable development for a long time period. However, this essay will discuss about the adopted and developed strategies by the government of Russia in order to attain the sustainable growth rate. It is highly important for a government of a country to adopt and implement effective leadership style in order to maintain sustainability in the country. Russia can be considered as one of the developed economies in this world. In addition to this, people of different cultural and religion backgrounds used to stay together in Russia. Therefore, it is highly essential for the government to develop unique and significant policies in order to reduce the possibilities of cultural or religion conflict among the individuals within the societies in Russia. Day-by-day, several countries in this globe are becoming interdependent. Therefore, it is highly important for the government of Russia to ensure effective natural and business operation resources in order to increase the degree of interdependence of the country. The country follows socialist ideology. It has helped the country to maintain the sustainability in the lives of citizens of Russia. On the other hand, the government of Russia also has developed different types of strict sustainable business operation policies for the organizations in order to maintain sustainability in the economic and social growth rate of the country.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Research paper on the company Rolex, its channel market, competition,

On the company Rolex, its channel market, competition, distributions patterns. and channels - Research Paper Example Since the company has been successfully meeting demands of its consumer and consistently introducing creative and innovative designs in the market, the management and distribution strategies followed by the wrist watch manufacturer is of great interest. One of the critical aspects in quality management is logistics and supply chain as well as channel management. In the present research, various channel management strategies of Rolex will be evaluated. The research will throw light on the distribution patterns and various marketing strategies. Competitor analysis and business drivers will also be discussed. Company Description Rolex is a private watch manufacturing conglomerate involved in production, distribution and service of wristwatches under Tudor and Rolex brands. It was founded in the year 1905 in London, England by Alfred Davis and Hans Wilsdorf. The current headquarters is situated in Geneva and it has its distribution arms worldwide. Gian Riccardo Marini is the current CEO and by 2010, the total revenue earned by the watch manufacturer was 5.1 billion dollars. The company has over 2000 employees and produces more than 2000 watches every day (Yahoo, 2013) A Rolex watch on the wrist of a customer is expected to enhance the personality and style of that person. It has become a symbol of great taste and fashion. Since these watches are exclusively designed for upper class segments, not many of the people get the opportunity of owning this prestigious brand. In the year 2007, Rolex was announced as 71 on a list of 100 most valuable brands of the globe by Bloomberg Businessweek (Businessweek, 2007). During its tenure the company has achieved many milestones in terms of innovation and creativity. In the year 1926, Rolex introduced waterproof watch and became the first brand to do so. All Rolex watched are designed and manufactured with materials of dine quality and with much detail so that chances of error and mistakes are minimized. Focusing on developing w ell-designed and realistic marketing and channel distribution strategy is crucial in order to build a successful brand. Products The major brands produced under Rolex SA are Tudor and Rolex. There are three watch lines for Rolex; Professional, Oyster Perpetual and Cellini. Some of the famous modern and well-known models of the Rolex brand includes submariner, Yacht- Master, Day-date, Daytona, Day-just etc. Few of the famous Cellini models include Quartz Mens, Cellinium, Cestello Ladies etc. Retail pricing varies according to quality, materials used and models. Accordingly, Rolex watches can range from 650 dollars to 80000 dollars. Product Distribution System A distribution strategy is used in order to make products available to the target customers. Rolex has a worldwide presence. Naturally, the company has been using a comprehensive distribution strategy in order to reach its customers residing in various ends of the globe (Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, 2011).The overall product distr ibution system includes geographic coverage, distribution channel market and distribution patterns. Geographic coverage Rolex is an international brand. The brand name Rolex was developed so that it can be easily pronounced in various languages. Having a famous Swiss background has made the brand easily recognizable in North America and Europe. The brand covers 28 worldwide affiliates and has around 4000 watchmakers working in more than 100 countries round the globe. The brand has established retail distribution in almost every

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Law - Assignment Example (Us In addition, security guards have no special searching authority while police officers can obtain warrant once called. Its the responsibility of the public enforcement to provide protection to the society. They are also assigned to protect the properties within the jurisdictions of the police officers. (Steven Limbaugh) The security systems in America take its roots in England. The colonies appointed the sheriffs as having the legal authority to deputize citizens and assist them in the enforcement of common law. In 1850, the security services of Fargo and Wells were formed. It is designed to provide protection for cargo transportation on both sides of Missouri River. Contracts are security officers working for a private security company. A public security person is employed by a government agency. Private patrol officers are patrol officers that protect various client premises. Parapolice officers belong to aggressive firms engage in arrest and criminal

Monday, October 28, 2019

Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Decision Making Essay 1.What issues would you take into account? The stakeholders welfare, responsibility towards the society (in this case it can be identified as United States or as broad as the global inhabitants) which includes environmental issues, and also the ethics. For sure one more important issue is profitability or survivability of the firm. All of the issues mentioned earlier may be thought of as means for ensuring the long-run success of the company. 2.What major sources of uncertainty do you face? The major sources of uncertainty include research and development, and market analysis. â€Å"Will the substitute product work and would it be working the same?† â€Å"Is the ozone problem really directly related to Chlorofluorocarbons, or a normal cycle has actually caused these observed recent changes?† Finally, â€Å"could Du Pont’s efforts really have an effect, and how much?† â€Å"Is this effect going to bring any profit for the company?† and as a market analysis viewpoint, â€Å"will the market and society accept them?† 3.What corporate objectives would be important for you to consider? Do you think that DuPont’s objectives and the way the company views the problem might have evolved since the mid-70s when CFCs were just beginning to become an issue? DuPont’s views of the situation Of course have changed over time. Early on, the chlorofluorocarbon issue was basically ignored. DuPont was the largest CFC producer in the world with a 25% market share in the 1980s.This product was a less hazardous alternative to the sulfur dioxide and ammonia and was widely used as refrigerants in refrigeration, ACs, and medical inhalers for asthma patients. In March 15, 1988 NASA announced that CFCs were not only creating a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica, but also thinning the layer elsewhere in the world. After NASA announcement, DuPont announced that it would begin to phase out the CFCs. It invested more than $500 million in this case and commercialized a family of refrigerants with zero or lower ozone depletion effects in January 1991 for the first time.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Dream of Becoming an Attorney :: Law College Admissions Essays

My Dream of Becoming an Attorney    After graduating from high school I was ambivalent about going to college. In high school I was not a very motivated student, but I knew I possessed the ability to be successful academically, given the proper encouragement. I chose Suffolk County Community College's Selden campus as my springboard into higher education. At Suffolk I developed the academic skills necessary to excel at the university level. The work was very challenging at times, but the faculty was very involved with their students. I became very fond of this atmosphere and decided to find a university with similar qualities. Small classes, an environment conducive to learning, and a welcoming atmosphere were high on my list of priorities, and Adelphi University's Garden City campus possessed these qualities.    My experience at Adelphi has been extraordinarily enlightening. Adelphi has small classes and caring faculty, which made the transition from a community college to a university very comfortable. The work is challenging at times, but it is also intellectually stimulating-the combination contributes to my academic success.    I have a strong desire to study law after graduating from Adelphi, and one of the best academic decisions I made was to major in political science. Everyone in the political science department, from the chairperson down, has been an important asset to my education. Adelphi's political science department is not only blessed with highly qualified professors, but it also hosts special events that complement my coursework and stimulate my interests in this field. Some of these events included luncheons with foreign ambassadors, as well as a dinner with an advisor to four former United States presidents.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Clarion Boys Case Essay

One problem in the Clarion School for Boys case is that employees did not have enough training on the system. On the survey taken, most employees responded that they were dissatisfied with the training they had received and most had training of only 1-3 hours. Since there was little training given on the system, the users were uncomfortable using it. It seemed that if they could not figure something out, they would give up and go back to doing it the old way. The bookkeeper commented, â€Å"I have been trying to finish this month’s books for the last two days, but I am having the same problems as last month. The accounts receivable software program is still giving me difficulties. I think I’ll just do them by hand this month.† When the system was first installed, the staff was excited about it but as time passed and there was no learning progression of the system, people became bored with it and stopped using it as much. Another comment made by the education supervisor was, â€Å"There was a lot of initial excitement about e-mail, but I haven’t heard much about it since then. I know I’ve been too busy to lean it myself, and I missed the training sessions because of other meetings.† I personally worked with a company where a new system was implemented and because of the lack of training and tutorials, there were major problems. For months the system was incorrect, causing many hours of overtime as well as many mess ups that had to be corrected. Familiar to this case, there was not a plan of action nor any goals set or a timeline for certain projects to be mastered. There was a lack of training causing the staff to have little confidence in their abilities to work the system. This problem falls under strategic planning. One component of strategic planning is training. Under strategic planning, the employees should be encouraged to be active in the system. They should be encouraged through training programs and help sessions. The team should establish goals and time lines of what they want to have accomplished by a specific date. In this case, there was not a formal plan or measures set. They were not able to judge how they were doing because they did not make a strategic plan to begin. I think this is a minor problem. I think the major problem is that once the system was implemented, there was no enforcement created. It seemed that the users did not want to get out of their comfort zone and learn something new. There was not much communication at the beginning and everyone seemed to be doing their own thing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Black People and African American Actors Essay

Stereotyping is the automatic/ exaggerated mental pictures that people hold about a particular racial group without taking individual differences into consideration. Examples of stereotyping would be the main characters of the movie Rio2, Jewel and Blue being voiced by white actors whilst their ‘wild’ relatives are voiced by ‘non-white’ actors implying sophistication as well as in the movie Despicable Me 2 where El Macho and his son are given a Spanish image portraying a smooth talker and an irresistible lover that is often stereotypes about Spanish people. [87] People seem oblivious to the racial content due to various distractions like visual stimuli such as 3D effects and the contrasting use of color, sound effects such as surround sound and the voices of the character and lastly the plot of the story. Most people are over stimulated by these ‘distractions’ that they rarely notice the stereotyping. Another factor would be that parents neglect the responsibility to screen the movies that their children are watching. In some instances the stereotyping may be instilled in some parents from birth resulting in children seeing stereotyping as normal behavior. [96] Subtle racial prejudices towards Hispanic and Black people in Rio2 were the implication that ‘wild’ Amazonian Macaws voiced by ‘non- white ‘actors are uncivilized. Songs sung by these Macaws are primarily voiced by African American actors accompanied by rhythmic beats and movements with catchy phrases primarily found in native song and dance. Roberto (wild Macaw) is voiced by the singer Bruno Mars who is from a mixture of Jewish and Hawaiian decent implying (help with that word). Pedro and Nico two rapping, gangster, music loving birds are voiced by two equally successful and famous rappers Will.I.Am and Jamie Foxx [99] From this passage I can conclude that even though warnings about stereotyping may be placed before animation movies, many parents would still allow their children to watch it. [31]

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

8 Dream Jobs You Didn’t Know Existed

8 Dream Jobs You Didn’t Know Existed If you were to think of your total dream job- regardless of your field, experience, or financial considerations- what would it be? Wacky Wednesday has gone out and discovered that some of those ultimate jobs are reality for some lucky people around the world. Read and be jealous! Wine Tester and BloggerDo you subscribe to the old Jimmy Buffett motto, â€Å"It’s five o’clock somewhere?† Is â€Å"wine-o’clock† a daily occurrence in your home? If so, then wine testing might be your dream gig. It certainly was for one lucky vinophile, who was paid $10,000 per month to live rent-free in California’s Napa Valley and chronicle his â€Å"winestream† on social media.World of Warcraft TesterIf you already play World of Warcraft like it’s your job, know that Blizzard Entertainment (the software company behind the behemoth online role-playing game) hires people to do Quality Analysis (QA) testing on the game to check for bugs and other issu es. Living the dream, earning in-game gold, and paying your real-life bills too!Airplane Repo PersonIt’s kind of like an administrative James Bond gig: repossessing private aircraft once the owners can no longer make payments. This sounds glamorous (you’d be visiting airplane hangers in all sorts of exotic locales), but you’d also need Bond-level martial arts skills and cunning†¦ people do not part with their private jets lightly.Waterslide TesterGlobal resort company First Choice hired someone to test out their water slides for height, speed, water quantity, and safety at various resorts around the world. The most fun vacation activity in all sorts of exciting destinations? Sign us up!Candy TesterBritish sweets company Swizzles-Matlow hired a 12-year old to taste-test their top secret candy recipes. Looks like that young gentleman hit the golden-ticket jackpot!Professional ZombieDo you spend all year waiting for Halloween, when you can lurch around your ya rd, groaning, â€Å"Braaaaaaaaains† to scare unsuspecting trick-or-treaters? You might want to consider relocating to London, where the London Dungeons Experience hires professional zombie actors to mingle with visitors.Luxury Bed TesterAs part of a sleep study, a British luxury bedding company paid one woman a thousand pounds to sleep in different luxury beds for a month, and share her feedback on comfort, sleep quality, etc. It’s a tough job, but someone has to†¦zzzzzzzz.Paradise Island CaretakerAn Australia man beat out 35,000 other applicants to be the official caretaker of Hamilton Island (in the Great Barrier Reef) for six months. The rigorous final application tests included snorkeling, eating a luxurious island BBQ meal, and getting treatments at a spa. The lucky caretaker enjoys free rent in a 3-bedroom villa, and gets to have all his mail forwarded to paradise. What’s not to love?So maybe these jobs aren’t in the cards for you in the near f uture, but isn’t it comforting to know they’re out there, and that we live in a world out where we too could be top-secret candy testers?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Redress for Japanese Americans essays

Redress for Japanese Americans essays The Lengthy Process of Redress for Japanese Americans After the surprise attack of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the United States grew concerned that people of Japanese ancestry living on the West Coast would revolt and aid the Japanese war effort and were considered security risks. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, giving the War Department authority to establish military areas in which designated people would be subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of War may impose. As a result, officials declared the entire Pacific Coast a military area and forced approximately 120,000 people of Japanese descent from their homes and into guarded relocation centers in Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington. Two-thirds of the evacuees were American citizens and many lost their homes and businesses as a result of the internment. The directive remained official policy until December 1944 (Patton 72). While many people have at least some knowledge of this Japanese in ternment, the postwar Japanese American effort to win redress, and its high point of the 1980s, is not that well known. The process of apology and redress was very drawn out and it was not until over forty years after internment that a formal apology was given to Japanese Americans. With this apology, though delayed, most would assume that the government has learned a lesson from its past errors. However, it is important to consider if the anti-Japanese hysteria of the 1940s that led to Japanese-Americans being imprisoned in internment camps could be repeated today, especially with Muslim-Americans in the war against terrorism. The internment of Japanese American citizens and resident aliens was not just an odd, wartime event, but also a climax of a long history of racism and discrimination on the West Coast directed against Asian immigrants. Those from China felt the first effects of this sent...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Converting Cubic Inches to Liters

Converting Cubic Inches to Liters This example problem demonstrates how to convert cubic inches to liters, using the real-life scenario of engine displacement, which is the combined swept displacement of all of the machines pistons in their cylinders. When someone describes the power of a car, that person might say that it has a 3.3-liter engine or some such example. Problem Many small car engines have an engine displacement of 151 cubic inches. What is this volume in liters? Working the Solution 1 inch 2.54 centimeters First, convert the measurements to cubic measurements. (1 inch)3 (2.54 cm)3 1 in3 16.387 cm3 Second, convert to cubic centimeters. Set up the conversion so that the desired unit will be canceled out. In this case, we want cubic centimeters to be the remaining unit. volume in cm3 (volume in in3) x (16.387 cm3/1 in3) volume in cm3 (151 x 16.387) cm3 volume in cm3 2,474.45 cm3 Third, convert to liters. 1 L 1,000 cm3 Set up the conversion so that the desired unit will be canceled out. In this case, we want liters to be the remaining unit. volume in L (volume in cm3) x (1 L/1,000 cm3) volume in L (2,474.45/1,000) L volume in L 2.474 L Answer A 151–cubic inch engine displaces 2.474 liters of space (or air).