Friday, December 27, 2019

Sociological Perspective Jeffrey Dahmer - 1252 Words

Murder, willingly taking another humans life, is considered a heinous crime in the United States, and from the sociological perspective, breaks an important more. Serial Murder, therefore, is a sociologically deviant phenomenon where a person kills two or more people in distinct events, and an FBI overview of serial killers states â€Å"No single cause, trait, or even a group of traits can differentiate or identify serial killers †¦ from other types of violent offenders† (FBI). We can, however, use sociological perspectives to identify potential factors in these cases. As a boy, Jeffrey Dahmer was described as being a loner and a poor student- and had been sexually abused by a neighbor. He is homosexual, and all of his victims were males- which†¦show more content†¦This isn’t to say that Dahmer wasn’t responsible for his crimes- a jury of his peers determined he wasn’t legally insane at the time of the murders, but society made Dahmer. Next, this paper will use the strain theory to analyze Dahmer and his crimes. Strain Theory Strain Theory, a functionalist theory, argues that deviance, even criminal deviance, is a result of society and its cultural goals. Those who feel strain in regard to cultural ideals, whether they lack the opportunity or reject them altogether, fall into deviance. This paper will focus on retreatism, as this is the path Dahmer took: rejecting cultural goals and the means to achieve them, retreating from society, often into alcohol or drugs. It’s a valid assumption to believe that this retreat from society led him along the path to murder. As a child Dahmer faced numerous obstacles to success: he was a poor student who struggled socially and turned to alcohol as early as high school. All of these factors culminated in a young man who had given up on many cultural goals of the time- he wasn’t attracted to women, so having a family of his own was out; he had no real ambition to contribute to the work force, was unable to get â€Å"desirable† jobs due to his lack of education and dishonorable discharge, and his family supported him financially most of the time. For a time, he was in the military, but discharge due to hisShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes An Individual A Murderer?1112 Words   |  5 Pagestake not only one life, but multiple. Many sociologists and criminologists devoted their professional lives to find answers to this question: what makes an individual a murderer? Here this paper would discuss about Jeffery Dahmer’s case. 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Still the axiology of serial murders are still considered ambiguous to whether the source is sociological, biological and psychological philosophies in which psychologist and criminal profilers keep researching. Knight states, â€Å"That serial murders have been chronicled throughout history since the 1400’s.† Then by the 1960’s there was an increasedRead MoreVideo Games and Violence: Both Sides of the Argument3566 Words   |  15 Pagescan chew. If you are going to argue to certainty, you need more than wild accusations and exaggeration to prove your point. The writer should have found data to back his argument up, and cited it. A few graphs of violence trends or references to sociological studies proving his/her point would have gone a long way. As it stands, this argument has too much conviction, and too little credibility. Article 2: Report In the article, Violent Video Games, Rachel Ray (2003) begins by referring to the youth

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Blade One Essay example - 928 Words

For this essay, I have chosen a Warner Bros production film called `Blade. In this essay I will discuss the Mise-En-Scene, Sound, Editing, Special effects, camera angle, shot, movement and position. The Film, as I have stated before is from Warner Bros productions. Basically the Film is about a man who is a vampire hunter. He detests vampires because before he was born his mother was bitten by a vampire. She was rushed to the hospital her water broke and she gave birth to Blade. Unfortunately while she was giving birth she died shortly after. After that day Blade had decided to make it his mission in life to extinguish vampires from the face of the earth. While he was on his mission he discovered a man (whistler) who wanted†¦show more content†¦He does not allow her entry but she shouts to him and says, quot;Protestusquot;. Which appears to be some native tongue meaning that she has a partner with her to enter the club? He pushes the black door and it slowly opens. In this scene a lot of care has been taken to shoot it. When the door is pushed open the camera angle is changed it goes from the couple on to the door zooming in to have a peek first. Then it is like time slows time once the camera has come near the door and you can hear music in the background which slowly starts getting louder and louder. The scene changes again showing people dancing and having a good time. The Mise-En-Scene in this part of the film is pretty much the same. All the actors and actresses have got the same sort of dress code which is jeans, shirts and pants. The lighting in this scene is incredible and very fast. There are lights flickering and music is on loud. This creates hype in the shot. The scenes keep on changing in this scene sometimes showing people dancing men and women. Then sometimes through editing people are shown in slow motion and then brought back to normal. The camera really focuses on there body movement and positioning of the people. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Communication Skills for Singapore Computer Society -myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCommunication Skills for Singapore Computer Society. Answer: The codes of ethics chosen are the Irish Computer Society (ICS) Code of Ethics and the Singapore Computer Society (SCS) Code of Ethics which are to be compared to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Ethics. They form part of the computer society constitution and apply to all the computer society members not considering their role or specific expertise areas in the ICT industry (ACS Code of Ethics, 2018). It is a must for the members to endorse and advance the dignity, effectiveness, and honor of being a professional (Ethics and the ICS Code of Conduct, 2018). Besides, it does not only look at the professional side alone but also the side of the law whereby it expects the members guided by the code of ethics to be the perfect example of a good citizen who adheres to societal values and acts within the law. The code encourages the adherence to societal values that include the public interest primacy, honesty, the enhancement of the quality of life, competence, professionalism , and professional development. It encourages its members to value the public interests more than their personal and business ones. They are expected to add to the quality of life of the people affected by their work and encouraged to be honest at all times especially when representing their skills, services, products, and knowledge. Whats more, the represented IT professionals are expected to work diligently and competently for their stakeholders and enhance not only their professional development but also that of their colleagues and staff. And finally, these codes of ethics require that the IT professionals display professionalism by adding to the integrity of the society as well as to the respect of the members for each other. ACS Code of Ethics (Australian) SCS Code of Ethics (Singapore) The Primacy of the public interest ** The enhancement of quality of life ** Honesty Integrity Competence Competence Professional Development Full responsibility Professionalism The Society ACS Code of Ethics (Australian) ICS Code of Ethics (Irish) The Primacy of the public interest Protection of Public Interest and Legal Compliance The enhancement of quality of life Responsibility to Employers and Clients Honesty Member Email Conduct Competence Competence, Ethics and Impartiality Professional Development Professionalism Professional Dignity and Promotion of Professional Aims The ACS Code and SCS Code have a significant difference with each other. The ACS code is more detailed than the SCS Code. The ACS Code values the public interest much more than those of the private and sectional whereby the public is given the utmost priority when it comes to resolving any conflicts (ACS Code of Ethics, 2018). ACS encourages the recognition and minimizing of the adverse effects of ICT by promoting equal access of its benefits to all members of the society. ACS does not allow the breach of public trust or the trust of stakeholders when working. For the organization, honesty and integrity are of utmost importance and have to underlie all the professional actions and decisions. SCS also encourages its employees to act with integrity at all times (Singapore Computer Society, 2018). ACS encourages its employees to have their knowledge up to date especially with standards, practices, and technologies. SCS members, on the other hand, are expected to act with professionalism in an attempt to improve the prestige of the profession. ACS ensures equal treatment for everyone including their employees regardless of their status in life. The codes emphasize the commitment to the importance of ethical professional conduct. It values dignity, honor, and effectiveness of professionalism. It consists of various imperatives that are formulated as personal responsibility statements and identifies them as a commitment. It outlines the fundamental ethical considerations, especially to the society. The standards of the ICT industry are constantly changing. Moreover, it is missing more specific considerations of the ICT professional conduct. It only discusses the adherence to societal values and the general moral imperatives but lacks more specific professional responsibilities such as acquiring and maintaining professional competence and accepting and providing an appropriate professional review. The best rudiments of the ACS Code of Ethics are the elements of personal responsibility and the relations with the public. It encourages the performance of duties with diligence, honesty, and professionalism (Bledsoe, 2017). Also by putting the primacy of the public interest as the first element of the code of ethics shows that they value the public and does not intend to do anything that would affect their interests. This shows that the organization values the society and ensures they provide people with the best services in an honest and professional way. Alternatively, the worst elements of the Code are competence whereby the professionals are expected to work diligently for their stakeholders. It is true they are expected to work competently, but it should not be for their stakeholders alone. They should be able to work competently and diligently for themselves as well to satisfy their own desires to delivering the best services. Some phrases and words in a code of ethics can be interpreted in a lot of ways. Any ethical principle can conflict with other standards in specific situations and the questions allied to ethical conflicts can be answered well through thoughtful consideration of the fundamental principles and not on reliance on detailed regulations. Any code developed should identify the elements of the commitment for the members of an organization. It should have statements of personal responsibility that contains many but not necessarily all of the issues the professionals are likely to go through. It should outline fundamental ethical considerations which apply to individual conduct as a professional. These imperatives should be expressed in a form that is general to lay emphasis on ethical principles showing that computer ethics are imitative of more general ethical principles. The general moral imperatives should include elements such as the contribution to the society and the well-being of the people, avoiding harm to others and being honest and trustworthy. The principle regarding the quality of life of humans affirms that an organization has an obligation to care for the fundamental human rights and hold with a high opinion the diversity of cultures. Harm can be used to mean negative consequences or injury. This is an important element in a code of ethics as it prohibits an organization from using its resources in a manner that is harmful to others. Honesty is a vital component of trust and without it in an organization, the company cannot function effectively (Australian Computer Society CODE OF ETHICS, 2018). Other general moral elements include being fair, honoring property rights, giving proper credit whenever necessary, respecting other peoples privacy, and honoring confidentiality. The values of tolerance and equality are important. Discrimination on any basis should never be allowed or tolerated. Violating property rights is contrary to professional behavior and should not be condoned with. A code should have the elements of more specific professional responsibilities. Employees in an organization should strive to attain the highest quality and dignity as well as effectiveness in the process of professional work. Every professional strives for excellence that is why maintaining high-quality products and services is important for all organizations. Excellence, however, depends on persons who take responsibility for obtaining and maintaining professional competence. It is vital to set standards for the suitable levels of competence and to thrive to attain them. Honoring contracts and assigned responsibilities also displays integrity and honesty in more specific professional responsibilities. Another important facet is to know and respect all the existing laws that pertain to professional work. However, in this case, the compliance has to be balanced with the knowledge that some existing rules and laws can at times be inappropriate or immoral and hence have to be challenge d. Besides, violating a regulation can at times be ethical when the law conflicts with another law that is deemed more important or if it has an inadequate moral basis. But if one violates a law for any reason, then he or she has to fully accept the responsibility for the consequences. Some of these elements could be considered optional. It is of the essence for Codes of ethics to have the organizational leadership elements however it is not a must. These elements may include the articulation of social responsibilities of organizational members and encourage the acceptance of the responsibilities. Organizations have an impact on the public and they have to accept responsibilities to the society. That is, organizational leaders should encourage the full participation of their employees in meeting social responsibilities and quality performance. It is the duty of organizational leaders to ensure that their services enhance and not degrade. They should ensure they build work systems that contribute to the improvement of the working life quality. The leadership should also acknowledge and support the proper and authorized use of the resources of the organization. Whats more, the management should not design or implement systems that are deliberately demeaning to others . They should also create opportunities for organizational members to learn the set principles and the issues related to the profession. Compliance with the code is also an element that could be considered optional. Upholding and promoting the codes principles is important but its inclusion is optional as the members know that they should comply with the code and encourage as well as support adherence by other employees (Flanagan, 2012). Any violations of the code should not be accepted nor tolerated in spite of adherence to it is largely a voluntary matter. An important professional characteristic is the need of the members to abide by the Code of Ethics. Subscribing to a set of ideas and values is essential to the society as they uphold and advance the dignity and honor as well as effectiveness of the profession. This Code of Ethics framework defines the purpose of the ICT organization. It is a broad set of principles that are intended to educate as well as set up general guidelines that would help guide the conduct of the professionals (Code of Conduct for ICT - EU Science Hub - European Commission, 2018). The framework has an overriding commitment to satisfy the public interest through demonstrating professional competence. The ICT organizations intend to serve the best interest of the society by contributing to its growth (Understanding the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 2018). It is also about a member of the organization doing something not just because it is legal but because it is right. It is about the duty of the org anization to protect the society from the harm or injury the organization may bring to it. This framework shows the organizations service to the greater good with the public interests given the first priority. Fair practice, respect, and integrity, as well as honesty, reliability, and accountability, are core attributes of the organization. Respecting privacy and honor is also of essence especially when conducting professional practices. It also shows that it is important to acquire professional competence and maintain it since excellence is a very significant obligation of a professional. Setting standards as professionals are the best strategy for individuals to attain professional excellence. Hence, this framework, in general, shows that it is important for every professional to be committed to ethical professional conduct. References ACS Code of Ethics. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Australian Computer Society CODE OF ETHICS. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Bledsoe, M. (2017). The Importance Of A Code Of Ethics For It Professionals, Career Trend. Code of Conduct for ICT - EU Science Hub - European Commission. (2018). EU Science Hub. Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Ethics and the ICS Code of Conduct. (2018). Ics professionalism. Retrieved 1 April 2018, from Flanagan, P. (2012). The ISBT code of Ethics and the altruistic donor.ISBT Science Series,7(1), 303-306. Singapore Computer Society. (2018).Singapore Computer Society Code of Conduct. Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Understanding the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Origins of Judicial Review Essays - , Term Papers

The Origins of Judicial Review In 1717, Bishop Hoadly told King George I, "Whoever hath an absolute authority to interpret written or spoken laws; it is he who is truly the lawgiver to all intents and purposes and not the person who wrote or spoke them (Pollack, 153)." Early sentiments similar these have blossomed into a large scale debate over which branch of our government has the power to overturn laws that do not follow the foundations of our democratic system; the constitution. In this paper I will discuss the history of judicial review in respect to the U.S. Supreme Court, but more importantly, I will discuss the impact that judicial review has had on the Supreme Court and our system of government and the various arguments behind this power that the Supreme Court now possesses. The first instance that the Supreme Court showed its power under the cloak of judicial review was in the legendary case of Marbury v. Madison. In the confusion of leaving office, President John Adams failed to have delivered four commissions that he had made before having to surrender his power to Thomas Jefferson. In fact, the responsibility of delivering the commissions was left in the hands of John Marshall, the former Secretary of State under Adams, who was now the chief justice of the Supreme Court. When Jefferson took office, he refused to have the commissions delivered, and the case was filed by Marbury and the three other marshals that failed to receive their commissions. As the Chief Justice, Marshall wrote the opinion of the court by answering three questions concerning the case; did Marbury have a right to the commission, did Marbury have a remedy to receive the commission, and was a writ of mandamus the proper remedy to receive the commission. Marshall answered yes to the first two questions, but said that the Supreme Court could not give him the commission he was entitled to through a writ of mandamus. Through this decision, Marshall not only asserted the power of the court with judicial review, but also avoided a potentially devastating confrontation with the presidency in the early years of our fledgling government. Marshall was able to establish the judiciary's role in our government with this decision by answering the question that if the courts do not have this power, which does. The significance of the Marbury v. Madison decision is far reaching. Before the 1803 decision, the court had never really been a factor in our government, so much that the 1802 session was terminated by President Jefferson. The case established the Supreme Court's authority to review and strike down governmental actions that did not follow the Constitution. Marshall believed that although the framers of the Constitution did not explicitly write the power of judicial review into the constitution, it was what the framers intended. I will discuss this argument in greater detail later. After the Marbury v. Madison decision, the Marshall court enjoyed a new found power, but rarely found occasion to use it since most of the cases that were heard were rather trivial private law disputes. However, the court was able to hand down a number of important opinions interpreting various aspects of the Constitution. After Marshall's death in 1835, Roger B. Taney ascended to the chief justice. Taney, unlike Marshall, was a Jacksonian Democrat, and a strong supporter of President Jackson and his view of state's rights. It was Taney who passed down the infamous 1857 decision in Dredd Scott v. Sandford, which displayed the court's belief that blacks had no real Constitutional status and that the court strongly supported state's rights. Furthermore, the Dredd Scott decision worsened conditions for nationalists, and inevitably pushed our nation closer to civil war. After the war had ended, the court again found itself busy with a large caseload due to the many commercial and private disputes raised by the war. Chief justices Salmon Chase and Morrison Waite helped to reestablish congressional power over the defeated South, but had little chance to use its power of judicial review during this time or repair. The close of the war brought the Industrial Revolution and newfound problems to our country and government. Two questions which