Saturday, February 22, 2020

Story- english Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Story- english - Essay Example But the captain argues that they need it more, because if they run out of food on the spaceship they will be in trouble. The ships first mate is not pleased either, although it is not explained why. At the end of the page the captain sees something that makes him stop in his tracks. One thing that drives me to this story is its setting. I like the fact that it takes place on another world, and will probably talk about things that cannot be experienced in real life. However, even though this is the case the characters are described realistically and have human problems, so it seems like the story will still relate to real life in that way. I also like the description used. Even though many terms are vague or made up, they still sound important and can be figured out by how the story describes them, like the â€Å"Optus† or the â€Å"Martian go-birds.† The story starts with action, in the captain and his men taking the natives food, and also with some tension between the various characters. The action and the way its described are good because they pull me into the story right away. The tension is just as important because it means something interesting is probably going to happen in the story later on and it makes me want to keep

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Contemporary Management Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Contemporary Management - Research Proposal Example In the face of a fast-paced business environment due to continuous technological advances the practice of management has been changing according to those changes. The emergence of new fads or fashions in management requires a scientific approach to determine the features of a sound management viewpoint. All of this implies that it is necessary to study contemporary management theories and tools in order to determine the validity of management in a global business scenario. The research project deals with the study of contemporary management theories and tools that can be helpful in the area of strategic management in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for a global company that has to face a complex variety of challenges during the course of its everyday operation. The integration of the "naturalist" (Barnard) and the "rationalist" (Taylor) viewpoints can be very useful for approaching the integration of management with a new and valid insight. Management theories and tools come and go at a rapid rate. Most of them are fads, fashions or replications of forgotten ones without any scientific foundation of real and lasting value. ... The integration of the "naturalist" (Barnard) and the "rationalist" (Taylor) viewpoints can be very useful for approaching the integration of management with a new and valid insight. 2.0.- Literature Review 2.1.- Contemporary Management Theories and Tools. Management theories and tools come and go at a rapid rate. Most of them are fads, fashions or replications of forgotten ones without any scientific foundation of real and lasting value. This point is the source of a study by Chester Spell (2001). For instance, Spell argues that Management By Objectives (MBO) was described by Smitty in the 1950s according to Greenwood in one of his works published in 1981. Harvard Business Review also states that Drucker's MBO was studied by D. McGregor back in 1957. (Spell, 2001). In this research proposal it is aimed at studying management theories and tools that can pass the test of time. K. K. Naidoo studied the classical management writers to find Chester I. Barnard as an overlooked writer who integrates the "rationalist" and the "naturalist" schools of management thought. First, Naidoo enumerates the five principles of Frederick Winslow Taylor in his work from 1911 entitled "Scientific Management": "1.- Shift all responsibility for the organisation of work from the worker to the manager; managers should do all the thinking relating to the planning and design of work, leaving the workers with the task of implementation. 2.- Use scientific methods to determine the most efficient ways of doing work; design the worker's task accordingly, specifying the precise way in which the work is to be done. 3.- Select the best