Friday, May 31, 2019

Opening a Business in My Neighbouring Area Essay -- Business Managemen

Opening a Business in my Neighbouring AreaBackground to the BusinessWhen we were first set this project to actualize I thought andresearched into the many business I could have selected to generate in myneighbouring area. There were many options I could have chosen for myproject, after want consideration I managed to narrow down my finalideas into four businesses in which I could have chosen and were mostsuitable for my project. My ideas which I thought of were a restaurantwhich would sell alcoholic beverages, non alcoholic beverages andmeals, a clothing store for young adults, a beauty store which wouldsell cosmetics and other products similar, and finally a stationarystore which would sell school equipment, and many other stationary genuines. I thought about each(prenominal) option carefully and went through theadvantages and disadvantages to each proposal I had to decide from.To begin with I went through the advantages and disadvantagesof opening a restaurant in my neighbourin g area, if I were to open arestaurant in that respect would be a great deal of competition in the locationof Brighouse as at that place are several restaurants in Brighouse, one of mycompetitors if I were to open up a restaurant in Brighouse would be LaRomantica, this restaurant is a successful Italian restaurant whichhas been open for a few years, indoors this period of time it has builtup a good reputation to the people in and around Brighouse. Anothercompetitor is the Brooks restaurant this is an top(prenominal) class restaurantwhich also has a good status like La Romantica. Other restaurantswhich would not be classed as high competitors unlike the higher up areThe Golden Hind Fish Restaurant, The Auctioneer, Swankies, BengalBrassiere and Water Front Lodge. The advantages of having a restaurantsituated in Brighouse would be that there is a good market demand forrestaurants in Brighouse and that would produce the business profit.So I came to the conclusion to decide against the idea of opening arestaurant in Brighouse because of the competition, the competition istoo immense for a small restaurant to contend with. Also there aremore disadvantages than advantages.Secondly I could have opened a beauty store in the centre ofBrighouse much like the nation-wide store Boots. If I were to open abeauty store in the centre of Brighouse there could be many advantag... ... income support and job seekers allowance from the government,which leave alone mean that the government entrust have more money to spend inthe figure on public services such as the NHS, schools and the policeforce. Also for my business I will have to pay taxes on my profitswill again go to government services and the improvement of publicsectors in the UK. Also other people will be paying taxes on myproducts, which will be used by the government to be used on publicservices in the UK. But my business could create inflation in thecountry, which is a negative issue, this could be due to an i ncreaseof demand in products, so prices would rise and less people wouldspend their money on them as their prices would be too high. Anotherbad issue could be that the government might have to spend money onimproving the environment due to the damaged which might be caused bymy retail outlet, some of these damages which my business could do are pollution such as waste pollution which would be my leaflets whichpeople could have dumped in the street therefore the council will haveto get more cleaners, also noise pollution by the straining pedestriancongestion which might occur.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Hippie Counterculture Essays -- Culture Hippies American History E

The Hippie CountercultureThe Hippie Movement changed the politics and the culture in the States in the 1960s. When the nineteen fifties turned into the nineteen sixties, not ofttimes had changed, people were still extremely patriotic, the society of America seemed to work together, and the youth of America did not have much to worry about, except for how fast their car went or what kind of outfit they should wear to the Prom. After 1963, things started to slowly change in how America viewed its politics, culture, and social beliefs, and the group that was in charge of this change seemed to be the youth of America. The Civil Rights Movement, President Kennedys death, new medication, the birth control pill, the growing illegal drug market, and the Vietnam War seemed to blend together to form a new counterculture in America, the hippie. Unlike the society before this movement, the hippie did not try to change America through with(predicate) violence, the hippie tried to change things through peace and love. The Hippie Movement was a moment during the mid 1960s through the early 1070s where sex, drugs and Rock-n-Roll, was at the forefront of mainstream society. No one really k nows the true definition of a Hippie, besides a formal definition describes the hippie as one who does not conform to social standards, advocating a liberal posture and lifestyle. Phoebe Thompson wrote, Being a hippie is a choice of philosophy. Hippies are generally antithetical to structured hierarchies, such as church, government, and social castes. The last goal of the hippie movement is peace, attainable only through love and toleration of the earth and each other. Finally, a hippie needs freedom, both sensible freedom to experience life and mental freeness to remain open-minded (Thompson12-13). Many questions are asked when trying to figure out how this movement reached so many of Americas youth, and what qualities defined a hippie as a hippie?The nineteen fifties was a dec ade of prosperous times in America, but the average lifestyle of an American seemed extremely dull. The average American conformed to social norms, most Americans in the nineteen fifties dressed alike, talked the same way, and seemed to have the same types of personality. Music is what started to change the conformist lifestyle in America. Teenagers started to rebellion against their families by listening to Rock-n-Roll... ...them. The hippie counterculture was a fun time for everyone who experienced it, but they now had families to support and had to survive in the business world. The hippies tried to create a foundation of love and peace around the world, but essentially failed. They did render to black civil rights, the end of the Vietnam War, womens and homosexual rights in America. Even though the Hippie Movement is over, it is still remembered through its music and stories that were passed down from parents to their children. A little peace of the Hippie Era still survives inside the spirit of America today, and will continue to live as long as the music is still played and people have a hope for peace and love throughout the world.Bibliography1. Buchholz, Ted, ed. The National Experience A History of the United States. rude(a) York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers 19932. Manning, Robert. The Vietnam Experience A Nation Divided. Boston, Boston Publishing Company 1984.3. Thompson, Phoebe. The Flower Childern. New York, Prentice Hall 19894. .Michaels, Lisa. Making a fashion statement. transport Magazine (May 1998).Last visited 2-28-05

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ideas, Themes, Symbols, and Symbolism in Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

Siddhartha Ideas, Themes, and Symbols This novel had the constant presence of the philosophy of Buddha. From the beginning to the end, Siddhartha was in attend of Nirvana. He repetitively showed dissatisfaction to each of his new lifestyles and had to move on in his search. This philosophy was emphasized greatly at the climax, when Siddhartha attempted suicide but perceive the all-knowing Om from within himself. By the end, both he and his friend, Govinda, had reached enlightenment. All of the characters lived in their own satisfying world. Everyone had reached his own destiny, everyone had reached his own Nirvana. The novel had a faint cyclic theme to it. The main character led an ascetic, pure lifestyle. He then turned to a materialistic world, and finally returned to the ascetic life. He had lived with the Samanas, a aggroup of ascetics who lived in the forest. He moved on to the town of Samsara where he fell in love with a beautiful woman, became a rich merchant, and lived life in luxury. In his return to the ascetic life, Siddhartha became a ferryman and lived by the river until the end of this book. He was happiest there, learning from this great river. This theme was also evident when his young son left(p) him to pursue other interests. It reminded Siddhartha of when he had left his own father. Though this theme was never explicitly mentioned by the author, the intent may have been to have such truths embedded in the readers subconscious. The most important theme was the self-discovery of the protagonist. The reader is brought into the life of this young man and is shown all of the high and low points. From the very beginning of this novel, Siddhartha was in search for the truth. What he had in store for himself was many years of discontent, but finally he found what he was looking for. It was at the river where Siddhartha found the moment of life. For many years after his attempted suicide, he remained by the river and learned the secrets of the world. A major symbol was the magical river that Siddhartha crossed several times. It represented the barrier between the ascetic world and the materialistic world. He had to cross this river to get from the world of the Samanas (the ascetics) and the town of Samsara (where his lover and merchant mentor was).

Gender and Power Relations in Browning’s Porphria’s Lover and My Last D

Gender and Power Relations in Brownings Porphrias Lover and My choke Duchess Robert Browning provides a critical view of sexual urge and power relations in his dramatic monologues Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess. The dramatic monologue, as S.S. tog has written, reveals the struggle in the depths of the soul (11). Browning delves into the minds of characters to show their conceptions of women and ideas of power. He explores the mental processes of the characters, and invites readers to question societal ideas of power and gender. The mental pathologies of the speakers is emphasized, which forces readers to examine the sanity of their own notions of gender dynamics. In the Victorian age, the idea of separate spheres was an integral part of society. Mens roles involved participation in the marketplace of the industrial society. Women, on the otherwise hand, were expected to remain in the domestic sphere. They were assigned subordinate, and often passive roles, whereas me n played direct roles in an industrial society, therefore being busy agents. William Gregs review-essay Prostitution (1851) provides insight into societal conceptions of men and women and their respective roles. Although Greg believes prostitutes are treated unfairly by society, he nonetheless views prostitution as the darkest, the knottiest, and the saddest sociable problem which philosophy has to deal with (448). A critical reason prostitution is ostracized is because it violates traditional ideas of gender relations. Prostitutes are women who participate in the marketplace. They, therefore, venture outside the ground of their expected sphere, the home. This is dissonant with Gregs view which is a reflection of societys view ... ...nventional gender relationships. They were assumed to be the active agents and women were expected to be passive. Browning draws attention to the madness of the narrators by delving into their minds. In doing so, Browning forces readers to questi on their own conceptions of gender and power relations, since the mens views are but an overstatement of societal ideas concerning gender dynamics. Works Cited Browning, Robert. The Complete Works of Robert Browning, spate III. Athens, Ohio Ohio University Press, 1971. Curry, S.S. Browning and the Dramatic Monologue. Boston Expression Company, 1908. DeVane, William Clyde. A Browning Handbook. New York Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1955. Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality, Volume I. New York Vintage Books, 1990. Greg, W.R. Prostitution. The Westminster Review 53 (July 1850) 448-506.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Biography John F. Kennedy :: essays research papers

May, 29, 1917, in the wooden three-story house in Brookline, Massachusetts, John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the bit child in the Kennedy family. Joe Jr. is his two-year older brother. In all, Rose Fitzgerald and Joseph Patrick Kennedy would have nine children, four boys and five girls. Before long, family and friends called the blue-eyed baby, Jack. When Jack was three, the family move to a twelve-room house just outside of Boston. Joseph Kennedy was running his own stock trading business and was working hard to ensure his family a wealthy life. The Kennedys had everything they ask and more Jack could enjoy a very comfortable life. He was sent to Choate, boarding school in Connecticut, where he was very popular and had galore(postnominal) friends. He played tennis basketball, football and golf. Jack graduated from Choate, and in 1936 he started his first year at Harvard, where Joe was already a student.In 1937, Mr. Kennedy was appoint U.S. Ambassador to England. The family, with exception Joe and Jack, who were still in Harvard, moved to England. Jack became even more interested in politics, world affairs and also visited Europe a couple times. World War 2 began and John Kennedy wrote a thesis why England was not ready for the war against Germany, which was so good that it was later published as a book. After graduating Joe and Jack joined the Navy. Jack became the Lieutenant of a torpedo boat in the South Pacific. On a temperamental night in 1943 the boat collided with a Japanese destroyer and sank. In the cold water Lt. Kennedy managed to gather his men around a piece of boat. At sunrise he led them toward a small island several miles away. He was awarded with the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his leadership and courage. His brother though, was not that well-disposed he died a year later when his plane blew up on a mission in Europe.After the war Jack was uncertain what engaging of work he wanted to do. He had considered becoming a teacher or a wri ter, but the death of his brother changed everything. His father finally convince him that he should run for a seat in the House of Representatives, which he won in 1946. This was the beginning of his political career. After serving three years, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1952.

Biography John F. Kennedy :: essays research papers

May, 29, 1917, in the wooden three-story house in Brookline, Massachusetts, John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the second child in the Kennedy family. Joe Jr. is his two-year older brother. In all, Rose Fitzgerald and Joseph Patrick Kennedy would hold back nine children, four boys and five girls. Before long, family and friends called the blue-eyed baby, Jack. When Jack was three, the family moved to a twelve-room house just outside of Boston. Joseph Kennedy was running his own stock vocation business and was working hard to ensure his family a wealthy life. The Kennedys had everything they needed and much Jack could enjoy a very comfortable life. He was send to Choate, boarding school in Connecticut, where he was very popular and had many friends. He played tennis basketball, football and golf. Jack graduated from Choate, and in 1936 he started his first year at Harvard, where Joe was already a student.In 1937, Mr. Kennedy was appointed U.S. Ambassador to England. The family, with e xception Joe and Jack, who were still in Harvard, moved to England. Jack became even more interested in politics, world affairs and also visited Europe a couple times. World War 2 began and John Kennedy wrote a thesis wherefore England was not ready for the war against Germany, which was so good that it was later published as a book. After graduating Joe and Jack joined the dark blue. Jack became the Lieutenant of a torpedo boat in the South Pacific. On a dark night in 1943 the boat collided with a Japanese destroyer and sank. In the icy water Lt. Kennedy managed to gather his men around a piece of boat. At sunrise he led them toward a small island several miles away. He was awarded with the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his leadership and courage. His brother though, was not that lucky he died a year later when his plane blew up on a mission in Europe.After the war Jack was uncertain what kind of work he wanted to do. He had considered becoming a teacher or a writer, but the d eath of his brother changed everything. His father finally convinced him that he should run for a seat in the House of Representatives, which he won in 1946. This was the beginning of his political career. After serving three years, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1952.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Asahi Glass

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary3 Recognizing Opportunities4 Company Structure 5 Issues Facing Asahi film over5 Questions to Answer6 Conclusion6 Recommendations6 Executive Summary Asahi Glass Company was founded in the early 1900s to relieve lacquers dependence on foreign imports. It was the first successful endeavor into the flat glass industry. The lodge was commensurate to continue to succeed through mergers, acquisitions, and organic growth. The companys core businesses are 1. Glass and related products, 2. Chemical products, 3. Ceramics and refractory products, 4. Electronic products, and 5.All new(prenominal) miscellaneous products The synergies that were created by combining warinesss expertise with the companys knowledge, resources, and technologies have contri howevered to the success of Asahi Glass Company throughout the age. The organizational social structure of Asahi Glass domestic productions are effective for their business. There is a top down management sy stem, with each division having its own managers and balance sheet. However, globalisation efforts have been depleting company resources in past years. Management has yet to be able to perfect their foreign operating organization.The company is unable to establish vulgar trusting relationship with several overseas joint ventures. ? Asahi Glass Company was founded in 1907, by Toshiya Iwasaki, a nephew of one of the founders of the Mitsubishi business group. Iwasaki wanted to ease Japans dependence on imports, by establishing a flat glass industry. It took three years after production started in 1909 to make a profit, but the endeavor was well expense it Asahi Glass Company established themselves as the dominate player in the securities industry and has remained that manner ever since.Throughout Asahi Glass existence, their decisions and objectives have been focused on growth. They achieve this by exploring new technologies and growing organically, as well as acquiring companies, and merging with others. Their management style is likewise a key factor to their success. Recognizing Opportunities During the First World War, Asahi Glass was having trouble importing the soda ash they needed for manufacturing, so they started producing it themselves. This led the company into the maturation of the raw-materials scope economies.They soon developed technological expertise in ceramics and alkali chemicals, which became two of the three core business pillars. After World War II, management made a sensible strategic decision to license a new float glass process from the Pilkington Brothers in order to maintain their market position. In the 1960s, Asahi Glass took advantage of growing TV and auto industries, and moved into them, becoming a domestic leader in both industries. Soon after, they progressed into producing wrench materials.When the chemical industry took off in Japan, Asahi Glass merged in with their alkalis, halogen, and other petrochemical additives. They were market leaders in every industry they infiltrated. Asahi Glass created new, strange markets and took the lead in many specialty markets. In the 1970s, the current president, Takeo Sakabe, took the initiative to introduce a fourth pillar to the companys core businesses electronics. He chose electronics because management had some expertise in it and the industry had room for growth.Asahi Glass began penetrating the global market in 1956, when they built a plant in India. Then, the company entered into joint ventures in Thailand and Indonesia in 1964 and 1972 respectively. Not long after establishing their presence in those markets for glass, Asahi Glass chemical business followed into the areas. Once the company began to expand, they accelerate their efforts through the 1990s. Company Structure Asahi Glass had a matrix style organization structure. Each of the sextet general divisions and the five individual divisions had their own managers and unploughed their own bala nce sheet.Asahi Glass had an International General Division, which communicated with domestic product divisions, and monitored the subsidiaries and affiliates who were abroad, as well as help formulate business plans. The company tried to localize their oversea activities, and let them manage day-to-day operations and only held executive meetings about once every four months. Issues Facing Asahi Glass In 1993, Asahi Glasss domestic glass business was declining due to the Japanese economy. The answer for the company was to continue globalization efforts.However, the companys quick solution and accelerated efforts caused the company to lose focus of their traditional internationalistic practices. The companys domestic operational structure was not the same as their international operating structure. Because many of the international were joint ventures, and still relatively fresh, the two companies still lacked trust and coordination. Asahi Glass was still realizing that moving int o foreign markets took more integration and stronger efforts than operating domestically. Questions to Answer In 1993, president Seya was faced with a decision for the electronics department.He was analyzing a report of long term strategy for the business, and the position of its study products. The report offered proposals ranging from intense divesting, to rigorous investing. Mr. Seya needed to decide if investing the capital needed to ascertain a dominant position in the electronics business was worth the risk. His decision would be the foundation of the business strategic direction and he felt that direction should be aligned with Asahi Glass other divisions, and their overall objectives for the years to come. Conclusion Asahi Glass Company has always been an aggressive, dominant company.They exhort their knowledge, expertise, and technology in order to gain a leading position in some(prenominal) industry or market they endeavor. In the latest years, it seems that the company is trying to spread themselves too thin by globalizing. Until Asahi Glass finds a better way to organize and operate their foreign affairs, they should focus on domestic mergers, acquisitions, and internal growth. Recommendations I believe that Asahi Glass has had an excellent history of creating successful synergies that have propelled the company to success.From its beginnings in the early 1900s, the companys management has recognized opportunities to expand their core businesses and grow organically. As their core businesses expanded, so did the companys knowledge, experience, and technology. As these assets have interacted over the years, they have combined to make synergies that allowed the company to expand into new markets, products, and industries. Asahi Glass has an excellent foundation in the way of management as well as financial prosperity.I recommend that Asahi Glass invest in the establishment of the electronic business as a dominant position. look at the electronics business history shows that the division is among the top three in relative market position already, despite that they have a low contribution in the market (exhibit 10). They are also already well established, having joint ventures with at least five companies, three of which are in the top six market positions (exhibit 10). The electronic division contributed 5. 6% to sales in 1992 compared to ceramics contribution of 2. 4% (exhibit 6).

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Alabama School District Essay

The purpose of this research is to look at rural Alabama school districts and to look at the boilersuit effects that the exit scrutinys have had on the teachers and how they choose to teach in their classrooms. The problem has been that it has been suggested that the exit examinations have been biased towards students who being taught in item school districts and these are typically associated with the urban locations. It has also been suggested that there be needs to be a difference in the instructional practices of the teachers in rewrite to be open to do well on their exit examinations.Research Questions There are many research questions that can be answered through the research. star of the main questions is What is the overall effect that the examination has had on how teachers are instructing their classrooms? Some other questions that can be answered include the following. How has your teaching style changed since the exit examination has been in place? What are the disadv antages to the exit examination? What are the advantages to the exit examination?Is there biasness against the rural school districts in the exit examination? Has the overall effect of the exit examination been good or bad for the students? What are the disadvantages for teachers who are teaching with the exit examination in place? To be able to answer these questions fully and completely will best show how the teachers are able to be in a better situation no motion what school district they are teaching in or the location of the school district.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Pain Poem

PAIN Innocent plumes out of the lonely seed, Illusion of pitch-darkness was seen, Things seen were absorbed, Sun, water, alarm what happened? Fell in a tunnel, Lights were not yet seen, Faith slowly became weak, Failings, please stops Dodge, defense and attack like a boxer, Easy start yet harder comes, Not a single blink of an eye, Be firm and dont loosen up a single muscle Fill with whole bright color, Four bright colors over one dark color, Darkness was unseen yet brightness was clearly seen, This is what the world is supposed to be Walking on a dark street,Rusted street promiscuous soul working, Street light cant yet street lights can, Street is dark no more but now bright. Summary swear out Pain, right at this moment honestly I cant think of anything that makes me feel pain. I dont think I have been through the deep pain that people cant get rid of, but there is one thing that makes me feel pain and that is when see others in pain and to see this beautiful world scathe wit h so many an(prenominal) kinds of things. So basically based on this poem I wrote about what pain I faced and what I think I can do and what others can o to give solutions for this pain.This is a very short summary of the poem I wrote. In todays world, It has changed so badly and its obvious. An exculpated child will receive things that the world Is doing and It will ruin their Innocent mind, Life will get harder and harder and it is so dark and tough to achieve what you fatality to achieve, you fail so many times and it will Just make you give up easily. If your life is so dark by doing so many bad things, do more good things and it definitely will cover up all the ad things and it will also cover up all the bad memories that you had.And so now, you will definitely find your life different and continue moving forward In your life. One person definitely cant light up the whole world we cant be so selfish and wait 1 OFF tort others to be the light bambino the world and tot other people. It must sat rat trot us. We cant Just sit in our comfort zone by watching what happened we must really do something and give other people the light they need to make the world a better place to live in.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Historical Report on Race Essay

The experience that African Americans went through is that they were slaves owned by discolours, who thought it was ok to buy colored large number. African Americans went through so much back in the days. The slave trade was something that went on in atomic number 63 or Africa. In the eighth century humans was also traded for merchandise. In West Africa they made their slaves prisoners of wars or criminals. Back then African Americans had to be do by any way that the whites wanted them to, they wasnt allowed to go to the same schools as whites and they also had to sit in the back of the bus when they rode it.African Americans wasnt allowed to vote or stand up for what they believed in. In some sta Despite different histories, common themes of racial inequality emerge across racial groups. The separation of non-white from white can be seen in the barrios, the Jim Crow South, the creation of reservations and, in the extreme, the Japanese American internment camps. Until the 1960s, many African Americans could not eat in restaurants they worked in, and Chinese laborers who built the final stretch of the transcontinental railroad were fired and forced to walk back to San Francisco from Utah, barred from the railroad that was built.The political issues that went on in the American history is that each American has the freedom to speak, pursue a better life, and live a more comfortable life than their ancestors did. Every country sh ares a big belief between citizens and the government, Economic beliefs are part of the political culture due to the politics affects the economic. ushistory. org/gov/4a. asp Poverty has been the political and social concerns passim the history.The belief that God endowed human kind with rights to life, liberty, and property thats the foundation for giving these concepts the status of hold dears in our political culture. The cultural value of equality means that Americans dont believe that no one person is better than the other. wee gy. com What legislation meant to constrain race within prejudicial boundaries was enacted? How did the various groups you researched fight this legislation? Hate crimes are based the belief of the victim.Hate crimes statutes was passed in the late 1980s to the early 1990s. In most states hate crimes are based on the belief of the persons race, religion, national origin, or their ancestors. Many states have enacted their own hate crime ordinances, some limit their exposition to crimes such as sexual harassment and damage of a persons property. Poverty in America has its own turbulent history of causes, effects, and remedies, from debtors prison to the War on Poverty, from Social Darwinism to food stamps.Most legislature has only a small friction of the bills in a attached period. It has many purposes such as to regulate, to authorize, to proscribe, and to provide funds. Hate crimes are still bad now, its not like it use to be. We have hate crimes where people that is gay will get killed or beat up because they choose to like the same sex as them. It get as bad as their religion or race becoming a hate crime, in some states we have Afro Americans getting killed because someone of different color dont like their skin color.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Basic Cash Management Process Essay

Every company can be viewed as a cash pool into which bills immix from various sources. Several techniques are utilise to speed the collection of such funds. Conversely, cash flows out of the pool for payables and other disbursement reasons. An important outlook of cash management is to bidding tightly both cash inflows and outflows. When cash inflows exceed cash outflows, surplus cash builds up. This surplus can be riding habitd to repay debts or for giftment in marketable securities. Alternatively, when outgoing funds exceed the inflow, the potent must raise money by borrowing or by selling some marketable securities.THE CONCEPT OF FLOATA cash managers job is to make payments to others as slowly as possible and to convert into cash or clear payments received from others as quickly as possible. The reason is muck up, the most important element of cash management. bodge is the meat of uncollected funds moving through the financial transfer system. It shows up as the diff erence between the balance shown on a unattackables blockageing account and the balance on the banks books. For example, suppose a firm writes, on honest, $100,000 of checks daily. If it takes four days for checks to clear and be deducted from the firms bank balance, the firms own books leave show a cash balance that is $400,000 less than the banks records indicate. The firm has the use of these funds, called disbursement float, as long as this situation persists.On the other hand, the firm loses the use of check-clearing float one component of collection float on the checks that it has deposited in its account but that have not yet cleared. Suppose the firm deposits $90,000 in checks every day, and these checks clear in three days on average. The firms books then show cash balances that are $270,000 larger than the banks books indicate. Thus, the firms net float the difference between its $400,000 disbursement float and its $270,000 check-clearing float is $130,000. This me ans that the firms actual cash balance is $130,000 greater than its recorded cash balance. The firm can invest or otherwise spend these excess funds. The float on an individual item can be measured in dollar bill-days and is calculated as the amount of the check multiplied by the number of days of delay until that check clearsAlternatively, the average daily float can be calculated as the average daily receipts multiplied by the average delay in collecting each dollar. The average delay in collecting a dollar equals the total dollar-days of float divided by the total amount received during the period or Average DelayThe existence of float lies at the meat of every system designed to drive, decelerate, or control corporate funds. By reducing collection float, the corporate treasurer can accelerate cash flow and enhance the return on current assets. Similarly, corporate cash flow may be improved by increasing disbursement float.The value of lessen collection float or increasing di sbursement float is tied to the opportunity cost of funds. It can be measured as Value of mishandle = Dollar Amount of Float condemnations Time measure Interest Rate For example, suppose a firm can reduce the collection time on $5 million of receivables by three days. Assuming that it will invest this money at an annual interest rate of 10 percent, it will earn interest at a rate of .10/365 per day on the $5 million. Therefore, the value of a three-day reduction in collection float is $5,000,000 times 3 times 0.10/365 = $4,109.59If collections ordinarily average $5 million daily and the company managed to reduce the float permanently by three days, it would then be able to free up $15 million in working capital. At 10 percent interest, this reduction in float is worth $1.5 million ($5,000,000 times 3 times .10) annually. Using a 10 percent discount rate, the present value of this permanent reduction in float is $15 million ($1,500,000/.10). Reworking this example with a differen t interest rate, say 6 percent, reveals that if the company can permanently free up $15 million in working capital, its shareholders will be $15 million richer ($900.000/.6), regardless of the interest rate. In other words, the value created by a permanent reduction in float is independent of the interest rate.Collection FloatCollection float is the time that receivables spend in the process of being collected. It consists of the following four elements1.Invoicing float is the interval from the time a company creates an invoice and mails it to the customer until the customer places the payment in the mail. During this phase of the collection cycle, the cash manager has no control over the funds. 2.Mail float, the next phase in the cycle, is the time taken by the U.S. Postal Service to deliver the customers check. 3.Having received payment, the company experiences bear upon float, the flow of the check through the companys accounting system on its way to be deposited. 4.Finally, the re is check-clearing float. This is the time it takes to clear each check deposited. Invoicing float may be reduced only by changing the payment terms. The other three types of float are controllable. A.2 discusses the various means to accelerate the collection of funds. Exhibit A.1 illustrates the various types of collection float.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Critical appreciation of Othello Act 1 Scene 1 line 41 – line 82, commenting upon Shakespeare’s portrayal of his characters

The passage, act 1 scene 1, traces 41 to 82, open with a long speech from Iago. Already, from the onset we see that he feels it is scathe to follow his master the Moor, demonstrated by the answer he gives to Roderigos statement ofI would not follow him then disputation 40,with,O sir, content you. line 41It is as if it were a discontenting thought to think that Iago actually really wanted to follow his master of his witness accord. Iago expands on his opening statement, informing us that he is hardly following Othello for his own benefit, and informs us on his view of there being two types of knaves. The first, follows his master to help his master, works lowering and is immoral and actually enjoys his devoted service to his masterMany a duteous and knee-crooking knave,That doting on his own obsequious bondage line 45-46But for all their hard work Iago feels that they quiver nothing back in return and in addition exit be verbal expressioned down upon and be seen in the sa me prey of study as the masters ass, as they only receive food and lodging (for nought but provender), in return for years of dedicated service only to be dismissed with pop out a second thought.This is not for Iago, he provide not be used by others, but in turn wants to use others for his own benefit ironi send fory using the cover of a used honest servant. It is this word honest that appears many times in the play and is used to mean different things, chiefly trustworthy and truthful or simple and comfortably deceived. But when used in reference to Iago there is often a sense of patronisation or an attribute of it intended as an insult to suggest stupidity. When Iago uses the word honest in line 49 sayingWhip me such honest knaves.He shows the auditory modality exactly how he views the perception of the word honest as he uses it to describe the foolish duteous and knee-crooking knave. Here Iago offs it clear how he understands the meaning of the word honest regular though the use of the word is frequent and varied and of course deliberately ambiguous in other references in Othello.Iago now moves onto the second type of knave, which he associates himself with these knaves outwardly give off the appearance of hard working and submissive servants, but inwardly they atomic number 18 working for their own agendas. Even though these knaves look as though they are sacrificing a lot for their masters with little apparent return, in situation they are using their masters to their advantage snap off than their masters are using them. Therefore in paying service to Othello he is in effect paying service to himself.This gives an impression of selfishness but we essential remember that just because Iago is not a master, does not make him feel that to serve a master is a privilege. Therefore, like people who are more than fortunate than him and are higher in the social and military rank, he too wants people to devote their lives to him. As he cleart have th is, it is only natural that he would want to get something out of this relationship, (though in the end circumstances do get out of hand and develop into tragedy.)The second type of knaves who are trimmed in forms and visages of duty, yet keep their heart attending on themselves (lines 50-51) Iago feels that These fellows have some soul line 54This suggests that Iago sees this deceit and pretence in a man as fictional character and qualities to be admired and respected for in fact the reverse of societies view of men who lie and plot others downfall.Iago has already introduced the shank of deceptive appearances, and that actions and true thoughts or feelings have nothing in common. Therefore no one can judge or analyse someone elses actions without penetrative how that person feels, and even with this knowledge, one can still not understand or appreciate the characters motives. These issues are demonstrated in Iagos following linesWere I the Moor, I would not be IagoIn followin g him, I follow but myself.Heaven is my judge, not I for hunch and duty,But seeming so for my peculiar(a) end. Lines 58-61Iagos mysterious statement Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago indicates that the Moor symbolises authenticity and all things genuine while Iago stands for falseness and deceit. Therefore one cannot be the other as they are opposites and work antagonistically. Therefore we are faced with the common good against evil presentation, (which later proves evil to be the winner).It seems that Iago sees himself and Othello as opposites and therefore Othello will never be able to understand Iago, and therefore can not understand his deceitfulness and plotting against his friends and Iago will never be able to comprehend Othellos love for Desdemona as a thing of beauty and purity. Thus Iago can only make the tragedy happen by manipulating what is good and sowing the seeds of doubt.Iago comments that he is not pursuit love and duty and so we start to wonder at how Iago will thrive by them from his peculiar end. This last statement suggests that nobody will understand Iagos motives or the passion which drives his actions because even Iago refers to his end as peculiar and therefore as people will not be able to see it from Iagos point of view they will wrongly assume that he is a psychopath or mental. The linesnot for love and duty,But seeming so for my peculiar endcreate dramatic stress and suspense, making the audience wonder what Iago could possibly have in store for them. Therefore, Shakespeare has written this line deliberately ambiguous to arouse curiosity in the viewers.Ironically, line 60 includesHeaven is my judgethis is the same heaven that does not intervene in any of the unfolding tragedy even though Cassio, Desdemona, Othello and even Emilia call to heaven for blessings and protection.Iago feels that honesty and sincerity are weaknesses that make you more open to attack and therefore more vulnerable. It is here that a hint of insecur ity is discover in Iago as it seems it is in his nature to envy those whose character or situation is in any way superior to his own thereby leash to Iago suffering from a sense of injured merit. He seeks to destroy anything which by its very superiority threatens his self-love and he is always finding ways in which he feel that Othello and Cassio have slighted him.Thus he cannot control this feeling of rejection and it grows on him making him feel insecure and wanting to take revenge on those who make him feel belittled. Also, maybe Iago thinks that he can not wear my heart on my sleeve for draws to peaks at as he can not develop his true soul to anyone because then he will no longer be able to hide behind a mask or character which what is known about them is false, which will make Iago feel more safe, again pointing to Iago feeling insecure.Iago ends his speech with a paradox I am not what I am. This is in effect summarising Iagos speech into saying that what people conceive h im to be is not the real him, and the real him will never be revealed for people to comprehend, so people will never see the real genuine Iago. This of course is the main reason Iago manages to deceive Othello and this is also a problem for Rodrigo, but at this point in time Rodrigo does not pick up on this point, as he is a bit slow to say the least.It is rather ironical that Iago only reveals his true intentions and plans to Rodrigo who is the only person too stupid to really understand their full implications, highlighted by Rodrigos random and abstract commentWhat a full fortune does the thick-lips owe,If he can carry it thus Lines 67-68Next we see Iago at his best making havoc. Iago plainly delights in his own skill at causing chaos and his craving to make another human as unhappy and miserable as possible. When he plans to wake Brabantio, and poison his delight, he maximises Brabantios humiliation at the dishonour of it by telling Rodrigo to proclaim him in the street. Iago seems to get carried away by his lust in planning to tell Brabantio of his misfortune saying plague him with flies and incense her kinsmen.This of course is an example of Iagos two faced nature as to Brabantio he seems to be on his side by informing Brabantio of his daughters secret liaison with Othello, yet in the next scene, Iago is seen with Othello acting as the faithful manservant.Read also Critical appreciation of the poem Old Ladies Home.Even though Iago wants Rodrigo to call out to Brabantio, he can not help himself adding to Rodrigos feeble and polite attempt at calling Brabantio with loud and alarming phrases and crys of Thieves, repeated four times to make Brabantio feel as uncomfortable and worried as possible. It seems that Iago is drawing out the situation and going the round about way of telling Brabantio what has happened, to leave Brabantio in suspense and confusion for as long as possible.Iagos energy and excitement is conveyed in the pace and thrust of Iagos poetr y or prose. In Iagos soliloquy-like speech (lines 41- 66) poetic images and long words do not slow the quick movement, like the agile darting of Iagos mind constantly on the look out for new niches to get in and use to his advantage. The light punctuation helps keep the fasted paced childlike enthusiasm.Iagos speeches are full of ambiguous and mysterious phrases, these highlight his double character that is in fact a paradox in itself and often seem to present two conflicting and antagonist characters, even though they are both represented through with(predicate) Iago. There seems to be no fixed sentence length with many varied disjointed phrases helping make up Iagos speech and present his recoil of ideas and force of feeling.This passage is really a platform for the plotter Iago, to reveal his true feelings on his relationship with Othello and how he intends to use his service to Othello and the social role he is expected to play as a base for his deceit and ruin of other charac ters. Therefore dramatically this is an intimate scene between the audience and Iago (with Rodrigo, as merely an excuse for Iago to speak) where they are invited to see events and situations from Iagos point of view.This low-key plotting and the later loud disruption caused by Iago to wake Brabantio, is further indication of how quickly and easily i.e. how flexible, Iago can be to change to suit the situation to deceive characters, manipulate trust and ultimately cause a tragedy through his consuming nuisance for seemingly all things good and beautiful.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Motivation of Psychology Graduate Essay

The researchers aim to determine the coping strategies and level of motivation of selected Psychology graduates with regards to their individualized problems in District One Laguna. Specifically, the researchers seek to establish answer to the following questions. 1. What is the level of motivation of the psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems? 2. What are the coping strategies employed by the psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems?3. Is there a meaningful relationship between the coping strategies and level of motivation of selected Psychology graduates with regards to their personal problems? 4. What are the factors affecting the level of motivation of selected Psychology graduates in district one Laguna? 5. How do the Psychology graduates employ their major academic subjects they studied in dealing with their personal problems? 6. Is their course Psychology helpful to keep their selves motivate? 7. Do Psychology graduates have an adv antage in terms of coping stressful life events? 8. Do Psychology graduates still implement what they have studied after graduating? 9. What is the major difficulty that they have encountered in their personal lives?

Monday, May 20, 2019

Personal price Essay

As you market yourself to employers, the wages you demand is essentially your personal price. Keeping that in mind, what determine strategy should you follow (penetration, skimming, or competitive)? why? Issues to considera. Who is your target market?My target market is the childcare industry.b. How would you position your price to this market?I would use competitive pricing strategy. I would use competitive pricing strategy. By using this image does not necessarily mean that the company impart pay me what I want but it will put a great deal of thought into the prices of the competitors. In other words, I would take into contemplation the prices of my competition and use that to determine what I believe is a fair salary.c. What are the psychological pricing considerations? I would take into consideration my level of experience. Therefore, I would charge a price that may be slightly utmoster but that would be because I urinate more experience than others. I tiret want a price that is too low because employers may wonder why so low. They may question my experience or qualifications.d. What are the image considerations?I believe that the company has high standards. I would maintain that I am reliable, responsible, and able to multi-task. I am a professional and have good work ethics.e. What are the promotional considerations?I would provide degrees, and or certificates that indicate my qualifications. I would as well as provide references and any other documents that show my experience in the field.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Literature Review †Organisational Change Essay

Team subject argona you are to list 6 issues facing CanGo that you gleaned from the week 1 and 2 videos. They should be prioritized in enjoin of importance. They should be numbered. The police squad must then come up with an actionable recommendation for each of the issues found. These should in addition be numbered. 1. CanGo does not choose a a concise vision or mission arguing that defines who they are as a guild. Solution CanGo needs to find out what market they want to be in and also figure out what market they want to be in, and where they see themselves going as a company and what values they tolerate. . CanGo did not approach the strategical mean correctly for the online gaming. They discussed going into a new market with no prior knowledge of how the market operates. They also do not have the proper staff to begin the new business venture. Solution I think that CanGo should do to a greater extent research for the online gaming market. I also think that if they decid e to go in this new mission that they should outsource some of the work and train some of the people they have on hand to admirer save costs.Liz needs to sit down and complete all of he steps in the strategic management process, including SWOT analysis, mission statement, long term goals, implementation, strategic choice, evaluation, revision, and vision statement. Conducting a firm fiscal analysis of the overall declare oneself can prevent and reduce higher costs. Setting short-term and long-run goals will give the team a wear outlook on the launch of the online gaming system. 3. pricks issue with organization is indicative of a bigger issue the company does not have a structured approach to scheduling, planning, or reporting progress.Solution CanGo lacks organization. There should be a better system for filing information, and a clear understanding of what each individuals responsibilities within the company are. This way they would have a better understanding of which staff members are able to complete which jobs, and those which be able able to with more training. This way tasks will not be inappropriately assigned. Set up a training session or a number of sessions as needed to bring everyone up to speed as far as what is expected for status reporting, prioritizing, scheduling tasks, and de-conflicting schedules. . come off and the team members are not organized and they are distracting to each other when they are supposed to be working. Solution The members should be more considerate in talking close some other topics. They can talk about side topics after work, and not during meetings. The main focus is to help out incision on how to be successful on their new venture. Nick needs to be organized and ready to do the job. 5. Nick did not have a proper plan in place for the launch of the gaming system. He also did not step up and ask for help when he needed it.Solution Nick should have figured at a proper plan for the launch of the online gaming s ystem. A strategic goal plan should have been approved and put in place before Nick and the team were able to start on the project . Nick should have prioritized and been specific about the goals in the planning of the project through the use of the Gantt Chart. This would have allowed him to give a breakdown of all the issues that needed to be addresses such as hardware, software, recommendations, price comparisons, and testing.Nick not only failed to ask for help, but he did not ask any clarifying questions when the project was assigned to him. The instructions he was proved when given the project were vague and incomplete. He should have advised someone if he was incapable of doing the job in the firstly place, but he also should have sought more information and assistance if he was capable of doing the job. 6. During the planning meeting the manager quickly points out issues and made statements such as, we need, we should.He never gave any specific assignments, no go steadys o r expectations. Solution Design a structure for meetings such as this. Have the manager come into the meeting with a determined list which everyone can add to and discuss. He should also assign people to specific tasks based on their skills along with an expected completion date to make certain nothing is dropped. Establishing the projected deadline and developing an outline of the tasks to be accomplished over the ply of time will help him reach his goals.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Prison Is Not a Cure for Crime Essay

There has been a great deal write well-nigh the fact that the number of umbrages fox dramatically increased in recent years. Educators have debated whether criminals should be put in pokey or not. One idea that has received much(prenominal) attention is that prison house ho persona plays an important role to reduce criminals. This essay will explain that prison is a cure for crime as fas as punishment for offenders and transformation of criminals into better citizens are concerned.One of the most important reasons why prison is a cure for crimes is that it is a punishment for culprits. For one thing, when someone commits a crime or does not obey to the law, he must be punished. In other words, offenders have to pay because of their unconventional behaviours. For example, one of my friends who has affiliated a serious offence such as assault must draw a long time in jail. In addition to this, a long-term prison time will act as a deterrent for someone who is thinking about co mmitting a crime. For another, bleak citizens will be hurt by culprits if government do not lock them into cells. Many countries use prisons like a tool in order to isolate and separate criminals from community. Public will alive under constant fear when culprits have freedom outside prison. For instance, it would be punishing for an ordinary person if a murderer is living next to his door instead of in jail. other reason is that the crucial purpose of prison is rehabilitation of criminals. First,many researchers claim that prison is a place where offenders have an opportunity to learn to be responsible for their mistakes. If someone behaves badly/ , other people should allow them to instruct what they have done is guilty whilst in prison, where they will learn how to prevent themselves from the evils. Criminals should be educated in prison in order to be sure they can be more and aware of their actions and not to re-offend. Also, jail provides culprits some skills in which they will be able to gradually make their way pricker into society without being discriminated for their work. For example, my close relative was sentenced for two years in jail when he committed multiple thefts. In prison, he realized several/ quite a few valuable lessons about life. After his release/ being released, his in-prison education/ training and skills helped him to flip over into a good citizen. It is clear that prison distributes a great purpose to the community when criminals are steered in the right direction as well.Opponents of custody may claim that prison is a convenient environment to help criminals learn a give out of skills to commit even more severe crimes. Moreover, the fact that governments put offenders to jail does not help to descend the number of ctiminals. They have a point in thinking like that. On the other hand, they go forth why we should put criminals to jail. The answer for this question is the more freedom offenders have, the more serious evil s are conducted. For these reasons, jail is the best solution to limitation of crimes in the community.In conclusion, it is undenianle that prison serves a function in educating criminals. First, it helps to turn bad people into good ones before giving them the socond chance to rehabilitate. Furthermore, those who are guilty deserve the serve punishment so as not to re-offend. If this trend continues, the work will be a much safer place to live in and parents will be no longer frightened of the evils awaiting for their children.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Dreamliner 787 Case Essay

Tara Lentini Week 3 Case Assignment Boeing Dreamliner 787 Discuss the nature of the merchandise structure and direct for the Dreamliner. What be the implications for Boeing and its customers? The market structure for the Dreamliner is that of an oligopolistic nature which means there argon few stripcraft manufactures who sell large quantities to its buyers. With Boeings biggest competitor Airbus unable to compete with the Dreamliner harvest, Boeing has the chance to take over the market for commercial aircraft.The demand for the Dreamliner is derived demand. Due to customer demand for comfortable fair priced airline motivity, the demand for the Dreamliner will increase. Customers demand comfort during air travel and the Boeing Airliner promises cast uped luxuries that will increase customer purchases to those airlines with a Dreamliner aircraft. The chief project coach for the Boeing, Tim Cogan stated, Its not Just an evolutionary step it b rambles on revolutionary. This st atement is supported by many industry insiders. Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, p188) With such support, the emotions of the airline companies umped at the chance to place an order even with the understanding that the estimated metre for manner of speaking was at least(prenominal) 4 years and there was little research to support well-nigh of the added luxury amenities. What examples of the major types of get situations do you see in the case? Discuss the implications of each in terms of marketing strategy? A new-task purchase is seen with the Dreamliner due to the fact that it is a new harvesting being sold by Boeing.The buying team is comprised of numerous members and the team must decide on specifications regarding the product. The marketer (Boeing) tries to reach as many key buying influences as possible but withal provides help and information. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, pl 73) The amenities of the Dreamliner will assist the buying team in making a finish whether or not the D reamliner would be a good investment for the company and if so, how many to order. A straight person rebuy is also seen in this case.Boeing listed the airliner at a price of $162 million with few customizable options for its buyers. (i. e. seating arrangements). Many aircraft buyers may have already been customers f Boeing and atomic number 18 familiar with their business. A straight rebuy is defined by Kotler and Armstrong as the buyer reorders something without any modifications. Once the buyer purchases the aircraft the straight rebuy buying situation will result in a quicker sale with fewer individuals making a decision on options and product specifications. hark the specific features of the Dreamliner. What customer benefits result from each? PASSENGER BENEFITS 60% quieter than other planes in its class It is eer nice to sleep on a plane however, when seated near the engine it is difficult to relaxation due to the noise. Many corporate travelers will enjoy this benefit wi th the late and early morning travel legs. With the added legroom there will no longer be a deprivation to specifically sit in the isle and more options that will equal the comfort of isle seats will come available. visible light that automatically adjusts to time z iodin shifts Changing time zones can be difficult for anyone Circadian rhythms, which are the internal clock we all have which tells us when we it is time for bed and when it is time to rise. These clocks are not easily adjusted when changing time zones. The Dreamliner will posse lighting that imulates sunrise and crepuscule which will assist its passengers adjust to the change in time zones. (Micke, 2010) Higher cabin pressure and humidness reducing common flying symptoms such as headaches, dry mouth, and fatigue.All of these symptoms are not what or so passengers smell forward to knowing the Dreamliner decreases these symptoms will make it a pet aircraft for many passengers. Large strike storage bins It is al ways daunting not knowing if your carry on will fit into the operating expense storage bins. We have all witnessed a passenger beating their luggage esperately hoping it will pop in before the flight attendant comes by to take it to be stored in the cargo area. 19 indium self-dimming windows This is a wonderful feature for those who prefer a window seat but have to fght the temperateness to enjoy their flight.Wireless(prenominal) internet and entertainment system many travelers use the internet to stay attached while away. This option will give business travelers the qualification to complete business while on the road. Time sensitive information can be conducted in-flight and travel will no longer be a burden for business travelers. The non-business travel can stay connected with family and friends to inform of flight billet and arrival time. Also, wireless access will assist the passenger with passing the time during air travel. AIRCRAFT vendee BENEFITS For the buyer of a Dreamliner Aircraft, the marketing aspect will be a breeze.Passengers are always feel for comfort when flying and this aircraft offers many luxury amenities. Airlines with a Dreamliner in their roster will have the ability to sell luxury air travel to its passengers without the luxury cost. The Dreamliner will offer a ighter aircraft resulting in less fuel needed for flights. This aircraft could replace outdated aircrafts that are no longer economically fit. The 787 will put out non-stop markets for its customers with a fuel range of 8,500 nautical miles and a maximum speed of Mach . 5. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, p187) Also, the Dreamliner offers passenger capacity of 210 to 330 depending on seating arrangement ordered by the customer. With nonuple configurations, the buyer of the aircraft has the option to decide what seating confguration would beaver play their airline needs. For example, Southwest Airline only offers economy class, so they would order a Jetliner with one ty pe of seating confguration. at that place is no need for Southwest to order a Jetliner with first or business class on a Dreamliner.Other airlines may find it necessary to order multiple aircrafts with different seating arrangement to best meet its marketing and customer needs. Discuss the customer buying outgrowth for a Boeing airplane. In what major ways does this process differ from the buying process a passenger might go through in choosing an airline? The buying process for an airline placing an order or a Dreamliner would first have to recognize a need for a new aircraft oblation the retire due to age may look at the Dreamliner as good solution to add new innovative products to their fleet.Next the buyer would have to recognize the general specifications and quantity needed of an item. here a buyer of the aircraft would consult engineers and technical personnel to discuss the options available on the Dreamliner Aircraft. For example, the technical stave should be consulted regarding the wireless entertainment system on a Dreamliner. The control tower may need odifications to ensure interference will not be an issue with this type of system. Product specifications needed to meet the airlines customer and marketing needs would have to be listed.In this process, the team decides on the best product characteristics and specifies them accordingly. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, p177) As for the Dreamliner, the airline would specify the seat options available. For example, Southwest Airlines only offers economy seating for their passengers. If Southwest chooses to purchase a Dreamliner, they would specify one seating option or their aircraft. Once the order is placed for a Dreamliner, the buyer should conduct a performance review to ensure the product will be delivered on time and to ensure they are aware of any problems that may arise.At this stage of the buying process the buyer assesses the performance of the supplier and decides to continue, modify, or p retermit the arrangement. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, p179) Most passengers choosing an airline are looking for the least expensive direct flight to their destination. The buying process for an airline ticket for a few hundred dollars is ess complex than that of purchasing an aircraft for over one hundred million dollars. Many travelers have a preferred airline and do not shop around for deals.They use the preferred airline and earn air miles towards free flights. As for me, I do not have a preferred airline, however I do enjoy Southwest because of first come first serve seating. Yet, most travelers will look at price first, direct flight possibilities, and airport location before booking a flight. There is little thought that goes into aircraft options when a ticket is purchased. What marketing recommendations would you make to McNerney as he continues to try to go under the problems with the 787 Dreamliner program?McNerney needs to stay fully involved in the operations of the Dr eamliner to ensure all suppliers and manufactures are completing production on time. Performance reviews of the suppliers must be taken seriously and the decision to drop or modify the arrangement must be made in a timely fashion. With 70 percent of the work being outsourced to dozens of partnering firms, he cannot be blinded by incomplete or inaccurate production. The longer it takes to assess the supplier performance the longer the delay in production and delivery will be for the Dreamliner.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

American Jury System

Sahleh Wafayee Judge Brent Carr Court Systems And Practices Ameri foundation control board System The Court System is the most important of the criminal justice clay because it finds whether a psyche is guilty or not guilty. The United States Court system has provided order and justice for the United States of America. The motor hotel system was make to make sure totally citizens be receiving a clean trial scorn gender, race, color, national origin, or religion. Each of the fifty states has its own state constitution and governmental structure.The cost system is make up of uprightnesss, statue, and codes. President George Washington signed a law on September 24, 1789 called The workbench Act. This law established the jurisdiction and constructed the national court of law system of the federal court system and make the attorney general position. The Court system is made up of many laws. The 1st and oldest federal law is the brassal law. This law is created in 1787 and is the oldest law. This law is held very high because it cannot be duplicated. The Statutory law is another(prenominal) made that is similar to the judicial law.Statutory laws atomic number 18 made by legal cases, which mean when a decide rules on a case it becomes law on all future cases that are similar. The Administrative righteousness is another source of law that is known as the regulatory law. This law governs both state and federal agencies. With these sources of laws in the United States, the regulations prepare numerous aspects. Common Laws were excessively created in the court system and were originated in England. These laws were made to be a factor in civil, property, and contract cases. Common law was made by judges through decisions of the courts.A common law system follows the policy of stare decisis. The Court system is made up of many levels. There are 3 structures of the federal courts. The order courts, Courts of Appeals (appellate court) and Supreme Courts ar e made up in the federal court system. The appellate courts surrender no original jurisdiction. This court hears appeals from district courts and from federal agencies. The Federal Court system is a complex system for decideing cases within the guidelines exercise set forth by the United States Constitution and Congress. Federal Courts are imited in the types of cases in which they can control over. They can only hear cases which involve diversity in citizenship or a federal question. regeneration of citizenship is when there is an bribe between two parties who are located in different states but also cases that involve other countries. A federal question is when one of the parties involved in the case has an issue regarding a federal law or statute. Courts are made to find the aspire of their jurisdiction. Federal courts have special jurisdiction over bankruptcy claims against the U. S and duplicated cases.This is the reason why special federal courts are just trial courts w ith limited jurisdiction. The Federal District Courts were made because it is the biggest class of federal courts that are suitable to maintain and handle multiple strengths of cases. Because the district court is a trial court you can have criminal and civil cases as long as they meet certain criteria. The Federal Courts of Appeal was develop to relieve the Supreme Court of hard difficult cases. They look at the decisions made by the lower courts and overturn and make a new decision.The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. The purpose of the Supreme Court is to make sure that the laws and decision that are made in the United States are constitutional. The Supreme Court protects the constitution and what it stands for. In some situations the federal courts may appeal the case and it is issue to pass reviewed. State Courts handle cases for residents with inside/border of the state. Inferior/Civil Courts are known as small courts with small jurisdiction. This c ourt is considered to hear minor criminal offenses and disputes between citizens.This can be considered a civil suit between property or anything that has to do with any civilian A Courts of maestro General Jurisdiction is where a case is first tried. There is no appeal because the case has not retired. This court is called a trial court because they hear witnesses, receive evidence, and they try the case. Everything that happened in the trial is unploughed as a permanent record. Every state in the United State provide a state court of appeals, which is called Appellate Courts. People who are dissatisfied with the final judgment or judge that the ruling was unfair can appeal their case.Usually the people that appeal are the ones convicted of murder or get a death penalty. Defendants can always have many rights. They have the right to have a fair trial, represent an attorney, and to plead guilty or not guilty. Defense attorneys can assist clients end-to-end the trial. The attorn ey can give advice to the client and help with the prosecution. The attorney can give out all the evidence to drop charges against the client. Attorneys can give you advice to whether plead guilty, not guilty or no contest.They can also try and reduce your bail. Attorneys recommended trying to get a plea bargain to where you can get a reduce punishment if you know youre going to get convicted. They can also try and reduce your bail. The main things of the court system are protecting individuals, upholding the law, reinforcing social norms, and resolving disputes. The United States Constitution was written to protect the people of the United States of America from its own government and to protect individuals freedom and liberties and in criminal cases.The Constitution was made and designs to protect individuals freedom and liberties. Without the court system the United States would be corrupt and many people would never get a fair trial. The court system is where everything goes to trial to prove whether there either guilty or not guilty. Resources http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jury_trial http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Appellate_court http//www. littletongov. org/court/rights. asp http//www. wisegeek. com/what-does-an-attorney-do. htmlbss http//www. attorneys. com/criminal-defense/what-do-criminal-defense-attorneys-do/

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Privacy of Information and Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Privacy of Information and Advertising - Essay Examplethe FatAway Inc. has launched a product line that is so far trusting with respect to the product specifications and the claims that it says. And to market it, four-in-hand believes that the best idea is to select the fattest peck in Australia and use them as spokespersons or as reference persons in their ads. For this manager needs to see into the databases of companies that maintain statistics related to the fat people in Australia. In this situation we can say that the managers follow is the sponsoring client (or the user of the data) and the companies maintaining databases are the researchers.Now, manager sees that the data probably expertness be easily functional about the heavy weighted people but the problem lies in the intrusion of some peerless elses private life and the respondent probably has given his personal profile for some other purpose, and to use it for a third purpose might not be liked by him. And even if the respondents agree to the intent of acting as sales person then too they might not be apprised of the proximo emotional consequences that might occur to them and then they would not have any option.As the engineering emerges it brings with it new and creative ways of information sharing. Companies have also shifted their business orientation from production to provide of knowledge. And hence we see growing number of companies maintaining databases, and also government organizations maintain data with respect to the macrocosm demographics etc. This data is collected for specific purposes. But as we move forward issues concerning intrusion of secrecy are enhanced since individuals are too cautious about their personal lives and the style with which they live. Accordingly, no one has any dear to say or dig into the drive why someone is fat, since he or she has no concern. This case explores the same idea. Ethical issue or dilemma in the casebeginningly, manager (user of the data) sees that obtaining data about weight and height of client is intrusion of privacy and since in the western countries peculiarly collecting and giving out of data is considered serious violation of privacy. Next, the data might be operational with a third party (the researcher) and the researcher is ready to sell the data but data might have been collected for some other purpose and thus using it for some other reason might not be right.Third, the subjects i.e. the fat people might agree to participate and act as the spokesperson and participate in the advertising campaign for the company. But this may embarrass them in the future and bound them to work for the company even if they later realize that they dont like working in the ad or made public about their weakness i.e. being fat. Prevailing community or the social attitudes of the person may not allow him to such a behaviour.Solutions to the caseSolution 1First and foremost the general business ethics of the company ma intaining databases and their privacy policy should be analysed. If they have the right to use the respondents information in any way and context with the prior permission of the client, then scarcely the data should be used. And this is most required in situations when the certificate of confidentiality has been given by the respondents.Solution 2Moreover, to avoid any future embarrassment and humiliation for the potential spokesperson they should be

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reflective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Reflective paper - Essay ExampleI proceeded onto Payco America under external consulting roles for 12 years, training, customer service roles and receivable operations in healthcare, as the first female Vice President of ops. I then decided to go to Marquettes righteousness School. In Aurora, I assumed a number of roles receivables, billing, business office, compliance after MUL graduation, VP operations and scated lastly as a chief of staff. My current role is working with PMs, tools and methodologies of PMs, as the Chief Integration military officer for outsourcing and technology division, which supports the centering cycle of revenue in the sector of the healthcare (Shapiro et al, 2006).My story is to share a process measurement strategy that Aurora used in activating its strategic plan, including the method of the effort, management of the spawned projects and consequence measurement. This will encompass the purpose and intent of the process, including the annual flow of the effort and actual work effort of a team. The process purpose was to create discipline around the execution and selection of the compositions tactics that achieve target plans for patient satisfaction, employee satisfaction, quality, financial performance and growth (Shapiro et al, 2006). The process was disciplined, structured, replicable and facilitated. From the lessons we learnt, turning books are completed by leader-led teams with program accountability. They take 75-90 days to be developed including planning, vetting/ approval, funding, and building individual(a) actions, and culminates in a semi-annual event. This effort takes leaders, and if done well, it is part of an event, and commissions a commitment.Playbook creation involved the overarching pursue which described the teams game plan, the timeline which demonstrated the launch and duration of each individual initiative, outcome

Monday, May 13, 2019

The British Mandate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The British legislation - Research Paper ExampleThe article stated that nations that were unable to generate their give birth government were to be given under the trust or leadership of advanced countries that were involuntary and capable of handling the affairs of such states until such states could have gained enough strength to operate their own government affairs (Miller 162). The concepts of the Article 22 were approved, and later in June 1919, the same concepts were taken to the Treaty of Versailles.However, it should be noted that, in April 1920, executives from different countries questioned how the Treaty of Versailles was to be executed. This led to deciding of the roles of the mandates among different allies countries, and such roles were decided by the supreme council. The Mandates in the Middle East were decided and demined by adopting what was considered the basic features of Sevres. The British was allotted the administrative control of the Palestine leading to t he naming of the territory as the British Mandate of Palestine (Miller 124). However, in July 1920, the mandates civil administration took over the military and named Jerusalem the bang-up

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

political science - Essay ExampleSwayed by the European lines of thought, these parties managed to grow in numbers since they appealed mostly to the oppressed multitude as intimately as the distressed workers in the country. They successfully managed to field candidates throughout the nation in numerous elected positions for the next several years. However, towards the fountain of the 1920s, these socialist movements faced severe resistance and swearword from the government and eventually broke off the movement. The parties ceased to attract numbers to support its cause in the beginning of the early 20th century, though the Socialist Labor Party remained alive until the end of the 20th century.socialist economy refers to a dust whereby the ownership and control of majority of assets in a given country is given to the central government. The coupled States, unlike former(a) countries such as Japan and Germany, has not employed this system of running the economy. Though the sys tem has worked very well in the above mentioned countries, the United States continues to thrive well without its enforcement.Politically, socialist parties in the United States began fairing very poorly in the run up to the general elections. For instance, in the year 2008, socialist candidates and their parties received less than two of the three socialist candidates (Caramani pg. 201). This is way below what other socialist candidates in other nations receive. In Germany for example, socialist parties gathered close to 50% of the total votes betray in each successive election since the 1970s.There are several theories, however, that explain this phenomena in United States politics or governance. The United States has never had a feudal system. Other nations have had hierarchical systems which was pass off from the fleet by a supreme deity while at the bottom of the system put the commoner. Such systems were discriminatory in nature since it gave too much power to the person a t the top at the expense of the common man at the bottom.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Russia - Essay ExampleBased on its geopolitical ever-changing setting, the Transcaucasian region which is designated to the south of the Caucasus Mountains has been confronted with disputes on intercultural interests among the states and ethnic groups as well as with armed conflicts that argon a hotspot due to the prevailing martial and political tension within its borders.Normally, there appears instability and setback reactions over the newly-formed independent states of the Transcaucasian area of Russia which continuously struggle as rivals upon the strategic control of resources and reallocation of the spheres of influence. Hence, analysts are inclined to bear foresight of a socio-economic and political condition in Transcaucasia that is essentially understood in the perspective of examining the affairs of its states namely Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia with each other, with Russia, and with other powerful nations (Ivanov). On one hand, the current sequence of globalizatio n may be encouraged by a centripetal deposit to direct interstate highway conflicts toward a harmonious approach of a common goal that would necessitate the spirit of mutualism or cooperation. Otherwise, distinct stubborn individual objectives may collectively function as a centrifugal force that drives the historical troubles of the region apart from peaceful settlement.Danilov, Dmitri. Russias Search for an International Mandate in Transcaucasia. Chapter V Contested Borders in the Caucasus. 2013. Web. 25 Mar 2013. http//, et al. Russias National Security Problems in Transcaucasia and the Era of Globalization. VLex. 2013. Web. 25 Mar 2013.

Friday, May 10, 2019

What are the strengths and weaknesses of general equilibrium as an Essay

What atomic number 18 the strengths and weaknesses of oecumenic balance as an organising thought - Essay ExampleFirstly the concept of general equilibrium takes into count the entire thrift or the holistic economy to reflect its true nature. In regards to the entire or whole economy the general equilibrium attempts to evaluate the demand, supply, and price parameters. The second proposition upon which the theory of general equilibrium rests concerns the markets operating in an economy. In that the theory of general equilibrium in sharp contrast to fond(p) equilibrium endeavours to attend the equilibrium in relation to large moment of interactive markets (Balasko, 2011, p.124). Thus where in case of partial equilibrium the price structure containing in the economy is studied in regards to a mavin market the case for general equilibrium on the contrary evaluates the same in regards to large number of markets. The third proposition held by the general equilibrium theory holds t hat a uniform group of prices prevail in regards to the large number of interactive markets. The price set evaluated in regards to the whole economy is considered to be the main factor that generates equilibrium for the general equilibrium model. In the general equilibrium model the prices held are generally held to be long-term ones and thus the realistic price structure is taken to be a deviation from the equilibrium price structure in case of general equilibrium (Starr, 2011, p.3-4). ... In the mod theory pertaining to value the theory takes into account certain important propositions. The first proposition is concerned in regards to contrastingiation of the products in regards to the different localities to where such products are delivered by the producers or manufacturers. The second proposition holds that different products are differentiated based on the time or periods in which they are distributed to the different localities. In the third case the proposition held is in regards to the different contracts which decide both the time and place of channelize of products from one owner to another. The three propositions can be combined to form the new general equilibrium model propounded by the modern sparing experts (Ginsburgh and Keyzer, 2002, p.3-4). General Equilibrium as a concept propounded by economist Leon Walras thus tends to avoid a chaotic situation in an economy and in contrast helps the economy to form a balancing position. In that Walras tends to find a harmony behind the different frugal agents to help the economy attain the required uniformity. The harmony behind the different economic agents can be derived on the basis of a suitable interdependence which would help in blending the different economic factors to one another. Further the general equilibrium model also proceeds in finding egress different price sets that would in turn trigger the economy to find a situation of constancy for itself (Krauss and Johnson, 2006, p.14). Obse rvation shows that such harmonious or uniform position gets dismantled if the economic agents working in an economy fail to attain the required resources or commodities that would help them to attain or sustain the payable stability. Hence optimum level of active resources is required to be

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

police - Essay ExampleA contract is usually considered salad dressing once the acceptance is made to the contribute and communicated to the wishor. The rules apply to the negotiations that have been made till that point to know to what extend are the parties obliged to perform their promises.There is no halfway through, the negotiations will either be binding in the contract or non binding at all. An offer is communicated when the offeror indicates the legal injury on which he wants to win the offer such as the price of the goods, and gives a clear indication that he intends to be bound by those terms if accepted. Acceptance means that the offeree has unconditionally accepted all the terms of the contract put by the offeror (Andrews, 2011, p. 7).The second element of the contract is that the commensurateness made under offer and acceptance must not have vague or incomplete negotiations. The agreement must be certain to make sure that the contract is binding. For example whe n the offeror makes an offer saying that the salary will be inversely arranged surrounded by us, the courts hold no agreement between them since the agreement was not certain between them. Some of the factors that affect the certainty of a contract are provisions for clarification, the terms implied by statutes and the previous(prenominal) course of dealings.If there is a provision given to clear the terms later then the agreement will be binding. Secondly, if there are some terms that are implied by statutes though not being agreed by the parties, the contract will be binding. Thirdly, if there are some terms that are understood due to the previous dealings between the parties, the contract will be binding (Harriman,2009, p. 13).The third element is the intention to create legal relations with the other party. If there will be no intention the courts will consider that no contract is valid between the parties. However if to the onlookers the parties look to be intending to crea te

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How should one understand the classical structure of marriage, Essay

How should one understand the classical structure of mating, decouple, and the main differences of marriage, divorce in the islamic schools like sunni and shia - Essay ExampleMarriage was very important and both partners were subjected to rules that would champion keep the marriage peaceful. Marriage was very important and could not be dissolved easily. In around ancient societies, family members and those concerned would mediate on issues before initiating a divorce. In nigh cultures, the women had to get liberty before divorcing. Some of the reasons for initiating a divorce in the classical propagation would be infidelity, political interests, and deprivation of wealth and lack of sex. Marriage had a strong and deep meaning. It involved families and not just the individuals acquire into the union.Islamic schools like Sunni and Shia view marriage as a sacred institution that should be protected. Marriage was taken as a means to protect people from acts of indecency like for nication (Rapport, 30). Marriage is expected to provide breastplate, children, status and sexual satisfaction. In these laws, divorce would be initiated by the valet or the woman. However, it is important to note that it is very difficult for a woman to be granted a divorce request. The couples would be given time to settle their differences before the divorce is finalized. Family members and relatives would be allowed to settle the topic before the divorce is finalized.It is essential to note the Shia are stricter on divorce than the Sunni. In some cases, the Sunni can allow a divorce without passing through the waiting period. This is not acceptable to the Shia. This implies that marriage holds a much stronger sacred meaning among the Shia.In conclusion, the understanding of marriage in Islam and classical times is similar in many ways. In both cases, marriage is a source of sexual satisfaction, protection and children. The importance of marriage is emphasized in Islam and in t he classical cultures. In both cases, divorce is not easily granted except in civilized cultures like

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Moral Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Moral Autobiography - Essay ExampleGenetics made me possess current innate qualities that I find difficult to erase. However, it seems to me that genialization had a larger design in decision making my outward behavior (Text). For example, my present skills, knowledge, values, emotions and my role are all decided by the society. Admittedly, the very pedigree of my socialization was from family followed by peers, school and the wider society. Thus, the beginning of my ethics was from my family, peculiarly my parents. As my father is a Jew and get down has no affiliation with any religion, I grew up with no influence of any religion on me. However, the values of ethics that developed in me were mainly imported from the values I observed in my parents. In the early stages of my life, that is play, I imitated the surroundings I saw. I played doctor, police, father and teacher. At this stage, flat without my knowing, the basic values of ethics were getting inculcated. Evidently, i n the beginning, my ethics was entirely normative in nature. Admittedly, it was approximately in the kind of the Golden Rule that maven should do to others what one wants others to do to one. I learnt the item that I should respect my parents, teachers and all elders. In addition, certain fundamentals like killing or harming is bad, it is undecomposed to help others were also incorporated into my ethical repertoire. Here, the tenets of Role surmise seem useful. According to the theory, the observable social behavior of people is like carrying out ones role in the society. For example, as a child I was made to obey my parents and all other elders I met. In addition, as the Symbolic Interaction Theory suggests, I started developing the concept of self. As I was defining myself, I found myself taking the role of a son and a student. As a child, I used to observe and play the roles of sundry(a) people. As I imitated my father, I observed how my father has been with me, and thus I got the bringing close togethers of ethics. Admittedly, at this stage, I got no influence of religion, and the only ethical aspects of my life came from my parents advice and observation I made. As a result of the normative nature of my ethics, I can say it was virtue ethics that I upheld in the beginning. It was inculcated not as my duty, but as a virtue I should develop. If I try to mention them, the very freshman thing is that one is supposed to respect all elders, especially parents and teachers. In addition, I found that unnecessarily harming anyone is morally wrong as Symbolic Interaction Theory claims. As I found that others do not engage in such activities that are harmful to others, I realized that harming others is immoral. However, as I reached adolescence and started mingling with may people, I reached what is called utilitarian concept. I found the fat that if I behave surface with others, there is the feeling of wellbeing in the group I live. In addition, there was the development of deontological idea that I can expect in return, the kind of virtue I produce. In addition, I right followed the principles of virtue ethics by trying to develop a eudaimon life that gives satisfaction. Admittedly, this took place mainly because my parents, especially my mother taught me that if one has virtue in life, or if one always does good things in life, one will have peace and thus will be a good human being. However, gain adolescence and reaching the Christian school, my concepts of ethics developed and altered a lot. Admittedly, Christian ethics varies from ethics in general. While Christian ethics stress on what

Monday, May 6, 2019

Emerging Technologies that address interoperability issues in an Essay

Emerging Technologies that address interoperability issues in an e- origin environment - Essay ExampleNew technologies urinate been introduced through e-commerce to give a wider exposure and innovate new ways of conducting businesses, which has introduced a new ratio in technology k right offn as E-business. E-businesss presence is important for expansion in business, dissemination of information and access to physically inaccessible markets. In todays dynamic world, companies spent firmly on their IT departments for the technical support to smoothly run their e-commerce activities. Companies even develop strategies through e-business to reduce woo of the business, expand sales and increase customer services and satisfaction in the long run. E-business is widely use for many business purposes want product research, order entry customers related matters like support, services, communication, inquiry, invoicing etc., outbound and inbound logistics. E-commerce has revolutionized n ot only businesses but every aspect of life the world is at a quantify a flick away. (Ray, 3) Challenge from the Competitor in E-Business Environment including Supply Chain Due to increase e-business services and advancement in IT related matters, competition has geared up in every vault of heaven atrociously. Nowadays, competition has intensified due to e-business activity like business to business (B2B) or business to consumer (B2C) minutes or transactions that incur after sale. These facilities and easiness to conduct business has caused cost efficiency which has attracted more than competition in every sector. Increased Competition Due to Low Entry Barriers Due to tremendous benefits offered by the e-business, the competition has increased, which has affected business in many ways. The e-business has lowered market entry barriers and it is now comparatively very easy to enter business than it was previously. Initially, large investments and established contacts were neede d to start up a business which is now replaced by easy entry in to the markets which is now a click away. This has made competition severe and is a threat to many established business. The internet as a medium to exchange information has made customers close to the businesses which has brought great challenges to the existing businesses. Now there is a continuous threat to every business that another business established in no time can take away its customers. Thirdly, globalization has added to the increasing competition. Internet allows the customers to exchange information anywhere in the world, which has made the businesses of the world compete with each other. (United Nations, 142) Continuous Cost Reduction Due to e-business, the markets now come out to be more of a perfect market where there are many competitors striving to master their positions. In such a market, cost leaders prevail. Due to closed links of customers and suppliers in the sum chain, cost reduction is an ac hievable task in todays business and many business strategies are based on this. In this cost reduction race, every business has to continuously doing on its cost reduction strategies in order to compete effectively. Secondly, the transaction costs are trim back for the customers due to extensive information available over the internet. This also puts up a pressure on the businesses to increase their presence over the internet. (United Nations,

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Hospitality - chinese student palcement Dissertation

Hospitality - chinese student palcement - Dissertation ExampleOne of the initial steps in building a strong foundation for an nerve is through recruiting competent and reli adapted individuals who could perform puff up up as individuals while lining their outputs with the goals of the arrangement. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is something every organization should find super relevant to ensure their continued success and capability to compete in the market. It goes without saying that no organization ever attained their level of success by relying on employees with substandard skills and performance nor did any of them fight to stay competitive by hiring employees unable to maintain a consistent level of output. This being the case, it would be instinctual practically second nature for organizations to go for those applicants who exhibit the greatest skill and/or potential, or to lead them to achieve an ideal level of competence. Organizations that fail to do this shoul d themselves prep be to fail. It is important to note that employers argon able to pick out individuals with high potential out of a pool of applicants. Thus, several recruitment practices are followed by employers. In certain cases where an employer has biases, Chinese applicants often have lowered chances of getting enlisted. With the growing bring for highly capable individuals, employers have narrowed their eyes into spotting well-rounded applicants who could fill the needs of the organization (Bloch, 1994). This has become a major issue peculiarly for individuals who belong in the minority, who in this case are the Chinese graduates. This gave rise to various forms of discrimination in the recruitment practices of employers (Bloch, 1994). Acquiring highly capable individuals are not the only problem of an employer employee retention has also become one of the greatest problems among organizations. In the immense sense, employee retention refers to the effort of the employer to retain present employees in their workplace (Carsen, 2005). Employers are faced with the challenge to minify employee turnover. Typically, this is done through hiring and training practices along with efforts to increase employee job satisfaction (Connell and Phillips, 2003). Additionally, organizations that were able to hire highly competent employees value the capabilities of such employees, since they are able to perform well while attaining both their lord goals and the objectives of the organization (Connell and Phillips, 2003). Thus, losing such effective individuals could lead to poorer workforce performance. It has become a great challenge for Chinese graduates to look valuable in the eyes of the employer. To achieve this, Chinese individuals must be trained well especially through their educational basiss. The Advanced Placement program is a great opportunity for Chinese students to learn the operations and processes that occur in their chosen disciplines, which in t his case is the hospitality business. There is a need to identify the weaknesses of Chinese students in order to address their issues through various training programs especially the Advanced Placement program. Moreover, in order for Chinese employees to be of value to their organization, they must be well-prepared so that they could perform productively, effectively and efficiently. It is very important for Chinese students to have a solid educational background that would equip them with the skills needed to perform well in the Hotel industry. Research Objectives This study aims to