Saturday, May 25, 2019

Pain Poem

PAIN Innocent plumes out of the lonely seed, Illusion of pitch-darkness was seen, Things seen were absorbed, Sun, water, alarm what happened? Fell in a tunnel, Lights were not yet seen, Faith slowly became weak, Failings, please stops Dodge, defense and attack like a boxer, Easy start yet harder comes, Not a single blink of an eye, Be firm and dont loosen up a single muscle Fill with whole bright color, Four bright colors over one dark color, Darkness was unseen yet brightness was clearly seen, This is what the world is supposed to be Walking on a dark street,Rusted street promiscuous soul working, Street light cant yet street lights can, Street is dark no more but now bright. Summary swear out Pain, right at this moment honestly I cant think of anything that makes me feel pain. I dont think I have been through the deep pain that people cant get rid of, but there is one thing that makes me feel pain and that is when see others in pain and to see this beautiful world scathe wit h so many an(prenominal) kinds of things. So basically based on this poem I wrote about what pain I faced and what I think I can do and what others can o to give solutions for this pain.This is a very short summary of the poem I wrote. In todays world, It has changed so badly and its obvious. An exculpated child will receive things that the world Is doing and It will ruin their Innocent mind, Life will get harder and harder and it is so dark and tough to achieve what you fatality to achieve, you fail so many times and it will Just make you give up easily. If your life is so dark by doing so many bad things, do more good things and it definitely will cover up all the ad things and it will also cover up all the bad memories that you had.And so now, you will definitely find your life different and continue moving forward In your life. One person definitely cant light up the whole world we cant be so selfish and wait 1 OFF tort others to be the light bambino the world and tot other people. It must sat rat trot us. We cant Just sit in our comfort zone by watching what happened we must really do something and give other people the light they need to make the world a better place to live in.

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